Following is a list of all language works in the time period. If a work is in the LEME Corpus, its corresponding entry is unindented. All other entries are indented.
If a text is available to download, its LEME Id will be highlighted. Click the LEME Id to download.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ingram, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Collection of School Text at Canterbury. Date: 1396. Extracts: (1) An alphabetical word-list in Latin and English (fols. 1r-45r); (2) Vocabulary lists of nouns, adverbs and prepositions in Latin and English (sigs. 46v-50r). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Harley MS 1587. Definitions: 2. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 15. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Trilingual Plant Names. Date: 1450. Extracts: Short list of plant names beginning in Latin with A.. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian Library MS Douce 380. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): Fr, En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 521. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wardon, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Latin-English Herbal. Date: 1450. Extracts: Latin-English herbal vocabulary with receipes (sigs. 88-90v). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Society of Antiquaries of London MS 101, no. 18. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1210. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Legal Glossary. Date: 1475. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Harley MS 2261. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Ed. Joseph Rawson Lumby. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1193. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Glossariolum, in quo difficiliora quædam explicantur vocabula chemica. Date: 1475. Extracts: Glossary of chemical vocabulary (fol. 144). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Ashmole 1450, fol. 144. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Chemistry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 16. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Sinonima secundum alphabetum probata. Date: 1475. Extracts: Latin-English herbal vocabulary (sigs. 88-98v). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian Library MS Selden Supra 73. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 17. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Latin-English Vocabularies for the School of St. Antony, Threadneedle Street, London. Date: 1475. Extracts: (3): Os facies mentum, a vocabulary of nouns in Latin verses, with English translations. (12): goliardic metrical vocabulary of parts of the body, etc., with some English glosses, by Ricardus. (17): short vocabulary. (25): glossary in 44 hexameters of hard words, with interlinear English glosses, original likely by John de Garlande. 35: Latin-English vocabulary by subjects. (36): Latin-English vocabulary. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Additional MS 37075. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 697. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Herbs in Latin and English. Date: 1475. Extracts: Latin names of herbs with English equivalents (fols. 148v, 150v-51). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Trinity College Dublin MS 369 (126). Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 642. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Nomina infirmitatum instrumentorum et medicinarum. Date: 1475. Extracts: Latin-English glossary, fols. 71r-75r . Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Wellcome Historical Medical Library MS. 408. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 13. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Latin-English vocabularies. Date: 1475. Extracts: Two topical vocabularies (sigs. 12r-22r, 22v-25r). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Add. MS 34276. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 835. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Horse, the Goose, and the Sheep. Date: 1477. Extracts: Phrases for companies of living things, and carving terms (last four pages). Publication: Westminster: William Caxton. STC: 17018. ESTC: S100686. Other editions: 1476 ca. 1495 1499? 1500 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 137. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Animals. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: IL; EEBO/TCP later. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 537. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Medulla Grammatice. Date: 1480. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Pepys Library MS 2002. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 16908. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Jeffrey F. Huntsman. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Huntsman 1973; Tremblay 2002; Zandt-McCleary 1958.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Sinonoma secundum alphabetum probata. Date: 1480. Extracts: Latin and English vocabulary of herbs. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodley MS Selden supra 73, fols. 84-160v. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 19. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Caxton, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: French and English. Date: 1480. Extracts: Words and phrases in parallel columns (complete). Publication: Westminster: William Caxton. STC: 24865. ESTC: S109594. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 2018. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.1. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Oates & Harmer 1964; CUP 1964. Modern Editions: Bradley 1900.
LEME Id: 20. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Higden, Ranuphus . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Trevisa, John. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Description of Britain. Date: 1480. Extracts: (1) Names for the island (sig. a2r); old legal terms (sigs. b3r-3v), languages of the island (sig. c1v-c2r). Publication: Westminster: William Caxton. STC: 13440a. ESTC: S106519. Other editions: 1498. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Monbreche list. Word-entry Count: 21. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Place names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1480 T [24]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 21. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Catholicon Anglicum. Date: 1483. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Add. MS 89074. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EETS edition. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Herttage 1881.
LEME Id: 838. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: St. Alban’s Chronicle. Date: 1485. Extracts: Tables of proper names (sigs. ar-gv). Publication: St Albans. STC: 9995. ESTC: S106502. Other editions: 1515 1520 1528 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Proper Names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 22. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Berners, Juliana. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Book of St. Albans. Date: 1486. Extracts: Terms for (1) hawks and hawking (sigs. a2v-f4v), (2) companies of beasts and birds (sigs. f6r-f7r), and (3) cooking of beasts, fish, and birds (sig. f7v). Publication: St Albans. STC: 3308. ESTC: S106521. Other editions: 1496 1518? 1530? 1533? 1547? 1556 1566 1586 1595 1596. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 314. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hawking and Hunting; Terms of association. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1486 A [164], 1486 C [46], 1486 H [ca. 50]. Transcription Copytext: IL; EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 151 (1969); OUP (1975). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Vulgaria. Date: 1487. Extracts: Latin-English vocabulary.. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Winchester Anthology, British Library Add. MS 60577, fols. 67r-77r. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 24. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: de Worde, Wynkyn. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: English and French. Date: 1497. Extracts: Terms for numbers (a1v-a2r), merchandise (a2v-a3r), parts of the body (a4), personal possessions (a4v-a6r), buildings and heavens (a6v), foods (a6v-b1r), days (b1r). Publication: Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 24866. ESTC: S100727. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 121. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Fr. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.2. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: IL. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 25. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Assembly of Gods. Date: 1498. Extracts: “Hrre folowyth the Interpretac[y]on of the names of goddis and goddesses of this treatyse folowynge as Poetes wryte” (sig. A1r).. Publication: Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 17005. ESTC: S109787. Other editions: 1500? ca. 1505 after 1529. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 27. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Mythology. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1498 W [27]. Transcription Copytext: IL; EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Triggs 1957.
LEME Id: 947. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: d’Outremeuse, Jean. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Book of John Mandeville knight. Date: 1499. Extracts: (1) “Of the byrthe of Machomet. ca.xlvi.” and (2) [the names of Arabic letters] (i3r-14v). Publication: Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 17247. ESTC: S108363. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 24. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Ar. Special Notation:. Topic: Arabic; Travel. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 26. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Geoffrey the Grammarian; Galfridus, Anglicus. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Promptorium Parvulorum Clericorum. Date: 1499. Extracts: Complete. Publication: Richard Pynson. STC: 20434. ESTC: S109932. Other editions: 1508 1511 1512 1516 1528 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 10502. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.134. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 108 (1968). Modern Editions: May 1843-65; Mayhew 1908.
LEME Id: 35. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Ortus Vocabulorum. Date: 1500. Extracts: Complete. Publication: Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 13829. ESTC: S106580. Other editions: 1504 1508? 1509? 1509 1511 1514 1516 1517 1518 1520 1528 1532. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 25437. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.142. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 123 (1968). Modern Editions: Cannon 1971.
LEME Id: 191. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Information for Pilgrims unto the Holy Land. Date: 1500. Extracts: “Here foloweth the langage of Moreske & of other countrees” (e2v-e4r). Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 14081. ESTC: S119558. Other editions: 1515 1524. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 218. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Mo. Special Notation:. Topic: Arabic; Travel. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 31. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Medical Simples in Latin and English. Date: 1500. Extracts: 1. A Latin-English dictionary of simples (fols. 3-34). 2. An English-Latin dictionary of simples (fols. 35-58).. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Royal MS 12 B.VII. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La / En. Explanation Language(s): En / La. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Nominale Secundum formam Maioris Preciani. Date: 1501. Extracts: (a) Topical Latin-English vocabulary (fols. 1-55); (2) synonymous adjectives in Latin , with their English equivalents (fols. 57-59). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Add. MS 25238. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 33. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Os facies mentum. Date: 1505. Extracts: Supra-linear English glosses of Latin text. Publication: Exeter: Martin Coeffin. STC: 18872. ESTC: S94537. Other editions: 1508 1510 ca. 1510 1512 1516 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 715. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.192. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Calendar of Shepherds. Date: 1506. Extracts:. Publication: London: Richard Pynson. STC: 22408. ESTC: S1142. Other editions: ca. 1510 1511 1517?. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Text on bones and veins missing (text fragmentary). Topic:. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1506 S [25]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1413. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Holt, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: John Morton, archbishop of Canterbury. Printed work: Lac puerorum. Milk for Children. Date: 1508. Extracts: “Diffinicyon of nownes’ (c8r-d1r), “Diffinicyon of Gendres” (d1r), “Diffinicyon of cases” (d1v-d2r), “Diffinicyon of persones” (d2r), “Diffinicyon of pronownes” (d2), “Diffinicyon of a verbe” (d2v-d3v), “Diffinicyon of tenses” (d3v-d4r), “Diffinicyon of modes” (d4), “Diffinicyon of a Particyple” (d4v-e1r), “Diffinicion of aduerbes” (e1r, c5r), “Diffinicyon of Preposicyon” (c5r), “Diffinicyon of Coniunctyon” (c5r), “Diffinicyon of interiection” (c5).. Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 13604. ESTC: S109419. Other editions: 1505? 1510? ca. 1511. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 71. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.200. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 37. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Stanbridge, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Vulgaria. Date: 1509. Extracts: Complete but for “The auctour” and the following sentences in English and French on one line. Publication: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 23195.5. ESTC: S112625. Other editions: 1515 1517? 1518? 1519? 1520? 1524? 1525? 1526? 1527? 1529? 1530? 1534?. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 494. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): La / En. Explanation Language(s): En / La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.305. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: White 1932.
LEME Id: 23. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Stanbridge, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Vocabula. Date: 1510. Extracts: Complete . Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 23178.3. ESTC: S104822. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 2887. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): La . Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.258. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1442. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work: Compost et kalendrier des bergiers. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: [The Calendar of Shepherds]. Date: 1511. Extracts: “the nothomye and fleubothomye of the humayne bodyes” (sigs. l1v-l3r). Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 22409.5. ESTC: S95191. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 14. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Revised date (STC has 1528). Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: SF 329 (1979). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1414. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Whittinton, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: De Nominum Generibus . Date: 1511. Extracts: English glosses to Latin words below them. Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 25479. ESTC: S95811. Other editions: 1512 1515? 1516 1517 1517? 1518? 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1528? 1529 1530? 1531 1533 1534. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 883. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Ovid. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Flores of Ovid de arte amandi. Date: 1513. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 18934. ESTC: S119972. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 1757. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry; Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: British Library copy. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1448. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Whittinton, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: De heteroclitis nominibus. Date: 1513. Extracts: English glosses to Latin words below them. Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 25459.2. ESTC: S123462. Other editions: 1514? 1515? 1516 1516? 1517? 1518 1518? 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1527? 1529 1530? 1531 1531? 1533 1534? . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: interlinear glosses, some in English. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 38. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Horman, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: William Atwater, bishop of Lincoln. Printed work: Vulgaria. Date: 1519. Extracts: English sentences followed by Latin translations.. Publication: London: Richard Pynson. STC: 13811. ESTC: S106246. Other editions: 1530. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En/La. Special Notation: English sentences translated into Latin. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.423. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1449. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Rastell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Statutes. Date: 1519. Extracts: An abridgement of the content of the statutes in English. Publication: John Rastell. STC: 9515.5. ESTC: S125222. Other editions: 1527. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: Index of terms, what lasted into his books. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 39. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Whittinton, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Vulgaria. Date: 1520. Extracts: English sentences translated into Latin. Publication: London: Wynkyn de Worde. STC: 25569.3. ESTC: S4989. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: English sentences translated into Latin. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.425. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: White 1932.
LEME Id: 705. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Alexander Barclay. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas, duke of Norfolk. Printed work: The Introductory to Write and to Pronounce French. Date: 1521. Extracts: Mixed grammar and small vocabulary. Publication: London: Robert Copland. STC: 1386. ESTC: S110897. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: French and English word-pairs but looks fragmentary. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.5. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Alexander Ellis.
LEME Id: 1152. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Fitzherbert, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Book of Surveying. Date: 1523. Extracts: Explanations of a dozen terms. Publication: London: R. Pynson. STC: 11005. ESTC: S112253. Other editions: 1526 1533 1539? 1539 1543? 1546 1547? ca. 1550 1550 1560 1567. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 8. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Surveying. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 40. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Fitzherbert, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Husbandry. Date: 1523. Extracts: Explanations of terms of art. Publication: London: R. Pynson. STC: 10994. ESTC: S112246. Other editions: 1530 1530? 1533 1540 1543? 1545? 1548 1549? 1552? 1555? 1556 1560 1562 1568 1573 1598 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 58. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Farming. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1523 F [38]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Skeat 1882.
LEME Id: 1261. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Fromond List of Garden Plants. Date: 1525. Extracts: Garden plants for sale. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Sloane MS 1201. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 9. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: British Library. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 646. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Ung petit liure. Date: 1525. Extracts:. Publication: Lyon: P. Mareschal. STC: 24868.3. ESTC: S95707. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): Ge/En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 42. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Banckes’s Herbal. Date: 1525. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Richard Banckes. STC: 13175.1. ESTC: S104914. Other editions: 1526 1537? 1539? 1540? 1541 1541? 1547? 1550 1552? 1555? 1559? 1561 1567. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 206. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La / En. Explanation Language(s): En / La. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.1. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: SFR (Banckes 1941). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 836. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rastell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England. Date: 1525. Extracts: English text only. Publication: London: Rastell, John. STC: 20702. ESTC: S102130. Other editions: 1527 ca. 1530 1563 1567 1572 1575 1579 1592 1595 1598 1602 1607 1609 1615 1618 1624 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 174. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.: XVIII.II.I.2. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 44. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Great Herbal. Date: 1526. Extracts: (1) “The registre of the chaptrees in latyn and in Englyssge” (sigs. +2v-+5v);; and (2) “The exposityon of the words obscure and euyll knowen” (sigs. Dd1-dd3v).. Publication: Southwark: Peter Treveris. STC: 13176. ESTC: S106096. Other editions: 1529 1539 1561 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 594. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.22. Schäfer no.: 1526 H [89]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 45. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hervet, Gentian. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Erasmus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Margaret, Countess of Salisbury. Printed work: De misericordia domini. Date: 1526. Extracts: “A good table for them that shal rede this sermon and vndersta[n]de nat Latin and frenche termes vsed in Englysshe” (sig. m6). Publication: London: T. Berthelet. STC: 10474. ESTC: S92485. Other editions: 1531? 1533 1547. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 152. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Sermon. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1526 E. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 47. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Brunschig, Hieronymus. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Virtuous Book of Distillation. Date: 1527. Extracts: “Here after foloweth the table of the names of the herbes” (¶2v-¶4v). Publication: London: Laurence Andrew. STC: 13435. ESTC: S106740. Other editions: 1528? 1630? . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 307. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En / La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Why incomplete?. Topic: Chemistry. Alston no.: XVII.I.27. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Colet, John; Lily, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Aeditio. Date: 1527. Extracts: Introduction to Latin-English parts of speech. Publication:. STC: 5542. ESTC: S91483. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 298 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 46. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rastell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Statutes . Date: 1527. Extracts: “Exposicion of old wordis” (fols. 85r-87r). Publication:. STC: 9518. ESTC: S121365. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Soka list. Word-entry Count: 62. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Longer list of terms. Why incomplete?. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1527 S [32]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 175. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Littleton, Sir Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Tenures in English. Date: 1528. Extracts: Long prose summaries of legal terms under headwords (entirely in English). Publication:. STC: 15760. ESTC: S100710. Other editions: 1556 1557 1581 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Cases more than abridgments of terms. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 48. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Valence, Pierre. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry, earl of Lincoln. Printed work: Introductions in French. Date: 1528. Extracts: Opposing English-French pages about grammar and vocabulary. Publication:. STC: 14125.5. ESTC: S5224. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Fr. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.6. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EL 38 (1967). Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 38 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 49. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Palsgrave, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: Lesclarcissement de la Langue Francoyse. Date: 1530. Extracts: Complete grammar and vocabulary. Publication: London: R. Pynson and J. Hawkins. STC: 19166. ESTC: S104266. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 18868. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.7. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Baddeley 2003; Génin 1852.
LEME Id: 50. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Tyndale, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Old Testament Pentateuch. Date: 1530. Extracts: (1) “A table expoundinge certeyne wordes” (Genesis; sigs. R4v-r7v); (2) Exodus (no sigs.); (3) Numbers (sigs. fols. 63v-64r).. Publication: Malborow in the land of Hesse [Antwerp]: Hans Luft [Johannes Hoochstraten]. STC: 2350. ESTC: S1193 . Other editions: 1534. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 53. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1530 T [49]. Transcription Copytext: J. I. Mombert’s verbatim reprint (1967) and EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Elyot, Sir Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: The boke named the Gouernour. Date: 1531. Extracts: Definitions . Publication: London: Thomas Bertheleti. STC: 7635. ESTC: S105376. Other editions: 1537 1544 1546 1553 1557 1565 1580. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: text. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Morals. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1463. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Joye, George. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The letters which Iohan Ashwel priour of Newnham Abbey besids Bedforde, sente secretely to the Bishope of Lyncolne in the yeare of our lord M.D.xxvii. Date: 1531. Extracts: Definition of faith. Publication: Antwerp : M. de Keyser. STC: 845. ESTC: S109050. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: text. Word-entry Count: 2. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Religion. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 43. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Cox, Leonard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Faryngton, Hugh, abbot of Reading. Printed work: The Art or crafte of Rhetoryke. Date: 1532. Extracts: Definitions. Publication:. STC: 5947. ESTC: S105098. Other editions: 1535. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.: VI.6-7. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 862 (1977). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 842. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Du Wes, Giles . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Mary. Printed work: An Introductory for to Learn to Read, to Pronounce, and to Speak French Truly. Date: 1533. Extracts: Extensive English/French word-entries. Publication: London: Thomas Godfray. STC: 7377. ESTC: S109850. Other editions: 1540? 1546?. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Mixed. Word-entry Count: 2773. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.8. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 327 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 986. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Udall, Nicholas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Terence. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Floures for Latine spekynge selected and gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated in to Englysshe. Date: 1533. Extracts: Annotations on Latin words in passages from Terence’s plays. Publication: London: Thomas Berthelet. STC: 23899. ESTC: S118344. Other editions: 1538 1544 1560 1568 1572 1575 (rev. John Higgins) 1581. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Latin phrases with English translations. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 337 (1072). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 692. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Tyndale, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: New Testament Glossary. Date: 1534. Extracts: “These thinges haue I added to fill vp the leffe with all” (sigs. ee7v). Publication: Antwerp: Marten Emperowr. STC: 2826. ESTC: S102467. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 7. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 52. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Sex Linguarum. Date: 1537. Extracts: English word in sixth column equivalent to words in five other languages . Publication: Southwark: James Nicolson. STC: 6832.1. ESTC: S91717. Other editions: 1541 1548 1549 1550? ca. 1550 1553 1563 1568 1570 1579 1595 1608. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 2164. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): Gk Fr Sp It En. Special Notation:. Topic: Polyglot. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1260. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Benese, Richard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Manner of Measuring. Date: 1537. Extracts: (1) [kinds of measuring] (sig. +3v); (2) [measuring of land] (sigs. A1r-a2v); (3)[instruments] (sigs. A2v-a3r); (4) [lines and angles] (sigs. A3v-a4r); (5) [counting acres] (sigs. F4v-g1v).. Publication: Southwark: James Nicolson. STC: 1873. ESTC: S101609. Other editions: 1550? 1553 1563 1565 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 29. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Surveying. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 864. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Talbot, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Old English Glossary of Genesis. Date: 1537. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Cambridge Corpus Christi College MS 379. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): OE. Explanation Language(s): La/En. Special Notation: Topic: Old English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 53. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Elyot, Sir Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: Dictionary. Date: 1538. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Thomæ Bertheleti. STC: 7659. ESTC: S111493. Other editions: 1542 1545 1548 1552 1559 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 26634. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.488. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Scolar (Elyot 1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 54. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Libellus de Re Herbaria Novus. Date: 1538. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: J. Byddellum. STC: 24358. ESTC: S104966. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 157. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Gk. Explanation Language(s): La/En/Fr/Ger. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.30. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Jackson 1877-1965.
LEME Id: 1416. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Boorde, Andrew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas, duke of Norfolk. Printed work: A Compendious Regiment or a Dietary of Health. Date: 1542. Extracts:. Publication: London: Robert Wyer. STC: 3378.5. ESTC: S116322. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1251. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Copland, Robert . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Chauliac, Guy de . Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Questionary of Surgeons. Date: 1542. Extracts: Questions about terms, and expositions of things they name. Publication: London: Robert Wyer. STC: 12468. ESTC: S105904. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 63. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Elyot, Sir Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: Bibliotheca Eliotae. Date: 1542. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Thomas Berthelet. STC: 7659.5. ESTC: S1917. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count: ?. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.488. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1443. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Lily, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: An Introduction of the Eight Parts of Speech. Date: 1542. Extracts: Grammar (complete). Publication: London: Thomae Bertheleti. STC: 15610.6. ESTC: S2392. Other editions: 1549 1567. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En / La. Explanation Language(s): La / En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Gwosdek 2013.
LEME Id: 56. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Recorde, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Whalleye, Master Richard . Printed work: The Ground of Arts Teaching the Work and Practise of Arithmetic. Date: 1543. Extracts: Explanation of fundamental things in arithmetic. Publication:. STC: 20797.5. ESTC: S104608. Other editions: 1549 1551? 1558 1561 1566 1573 1575 1579 1582 1590 1594 1596 1600 1607 1618 1623. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: First of 28 editions. Topic: Arithmetic. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 58. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Traheron, Bartholomew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Vigo, Johannes de. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Tracy, Master Richard . Printed work: Works of Surgery. Date: 1543. Extracts: The interpretation of strange words vsed in the translation of Vigon (zz1r-[abcon]3v). Publication: London: Edward Whitchurch. STC: 24720. ESTC: S105827. Other editions: 1550 1571 1586 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 430. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.30a. Schäfer no.: 1543 T [426]. Transcription Copytext: Da Capo facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 67 (1968). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 59. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: Avium præcipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, historia. Adiectis nominibus Græcis, Germanicis & Britannicis. Date: 1544. Extracts: Birds’ names in Latin, Greek, English, and German, followed by Latin discussion. Publication: Coloniæ. STC: 24350.5. ESTC: S124618. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): Gk En Ge. Special Notation:. Topic: Birds. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Biodiversity Library . Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Evans 1903.
LEME Id: 884. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Compendious Treatise of Slander. Date: 1545. Extracts: Explanation of the thing called slander. Publication: London: Richard Lant. STC: 24216a. ESTC: S106198. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.: XVIII.II.31a. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 60. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Boorde, Andrew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas, duke of Norfolk. Printed work: Compendious Regiment of a Dietary of Health. Date: 1547. Extracts: Information on how to live healthily. Publication: London: William Powell. STC: 3380. ESTC: S116196. Other editions: 1562 1567. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.31. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 85. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Boorde, Andrew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Breviary of Health. Date: 1547. Extracts: Diseases named alphabetically with advice on remedies. Publication: London: William Middleton. STC: 3373.5. ESTC: S5061. Other editions: 1552 (book 2) 1557 (book 2) 1575 (book 2) 1587 1598 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 362 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 61. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Recorde, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Wardens and Company of the Surgeons of London. Printed work: The Urinal of Physic. Date: 1547. Extracts: “Thexposytion of certayne wordes” (k4r-k8v). . Publication: London: Reynold Wolfe. STC: 20816. ESTC: S110613. Other editions: 1548 1567 1599. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 44. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1547 R [39]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 62. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Salesbury, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: English and Welsh. Date: 1547. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: J. Waley. STC: 21616. ESTC: S110802. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 7024. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): We. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Welsh. Alston no.: XIV.1. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 180 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1474. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Elyot, Sir Thomas; Cooper, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry VIII. Printed work: Bibliotheca Eliotae. Date: 1548. Extracts:. Publication:. STC: 7661. ESTC: S121482. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count: ?. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.488. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: SFR (Elyot 1975). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 64. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: The Names of Herbs in Greek, Latin, English, Dutch, and French. Date: 1548. Extracts: Complete. Publication: J. Day and W. Seres. STC: 24359. ESTC: S104970. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 427. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Britten 1881; Jackson 1877-1965.
LEME Id: 1393. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Baldwin, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: The Canticles of Solomon. Date: 1549. Extracts: “The interpretacion of the Hebrue wurdes” (sig. n3r). Publication: London: Edward Whitchurch. STC: 2768. ESTC: S103862. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 15. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): He. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP . Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1452. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lily, William; Colet, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Short Introduction of Grammar. Date: 1549. Extracts: Occasional informal definitions. Publication: London: Reginald Wolf. STC: 15611. ESTC: S104797. Other editions: 1542 1557 1558 1560 1564 1567 1568 1569 1570 1570? 1572 1574 1575 1577 1584 1585 1589 1590 1591 1592 1596 1599 1599-1602 1602 1606 1606-07 1608 1610 1611 1614 . Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 262 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 66. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Very Necessary Book both in English and in French. Date: 1550. Extracts: English-French word-entries for numbers and common things (sigs. a2r-a3r), French and English words with the same signification (sig. b7r), and names of the year and feasts (sig. b7v-8r). . Publication: London: Nicholas Hyll. STC: 3368.4. ESTC: S1578. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Fr. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.13. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 43 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1229. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lynne, Walter . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Bullinger, Heinrich; Juda, Leo; Pellicanus, Konrad. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Anne, duchess of Somerset. Printed work: Bible Concordance. Date: 1550. Extracts: “A brefe and compendious Register or Table of the Pryncypal Histories, and mooste commune artycles grounded and comprehended in the old and new testament, vnto the reader, eu[en] maner as ample & proffitable as a great Concordaunce,” sigs. b1r-n7r. Publication: London: S. Mierdman. STC: 17117. ESTC: S102763. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Proper names; Bible. Alston no.: III.ii.585. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1230. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Merbecke, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: A Concordance. Date: 1550. Extracts:. Publication: London: Richard Grafton. STC: 17300. ESTC: S114449. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.: III.ii.587. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 68. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Salesbury, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Colyngborne, Richard. Printed work: A briefe and a playne introduction, teachyng how to pronounce the letters in the British tong, (now co~menly called Walsh). Date: 1550. Extracts: Exposition of the vowels and consonants of Welsh. Publication: London: Robert Crowley. STC: 21614. ESTC: S101926. Other editions: 1567. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Welsh. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 179 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1258. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Salesbury, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Proclus, Diadochus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: John Edwards of Chryke. Printed work: The Description of the Sphere. Date: 1550. Extracts: Astronomical spheres and their features. Publication: London: Robert Wyer. STC: 20398.7. ESTC: S94797. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Astronomy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 69. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Sherrey, Richard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas Brooke. Printed work: A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes. Date: 1550. Extracts: “Schemes and Tropes” (sigs. b1r-f8v). Publication: London: John Day. STC: 22428. ESTC: S111062. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 146. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.: VI.8. Schäfer no.: 1550 T [128]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: NARP. Facsimiles: SFR (Sherry 1961). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 70. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Thomas, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Master Tamworth in Venice. Printed work: Principal Rules of the Italian Grammar. Date: 1550. Extracts: “A Dictionarie, taken out of the two bookes in Italian, called Acharisius and Ricchezze della lingua volgare, for the better vnderstandyng of the notable Aucthours in that tongue” (sigs. a1r-Oo2r).
della lingua volgare</term>, <term lang=”en”>for the better vnder­
standyng of the notable Aucthours
in that tongue.. Publication: London: T. Berthelet. STC: 24020. ESTC: S118383. Other editions: 1562 1567. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 8653. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): It. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Italian. Alston no.: XII.1. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 78 (1968). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator:. Reviser / Editor: Thynne, William. Original-work Author: Chaucer, Geoffrey. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Workes. Date: 1550. Extracts: British Library shelfmark 644.m.2, manuscript glossary at end. Publication: London: T. Petit. STC: 5073. ESTC: S107205. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: Glossary not located. Topic: Chaucer. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 72. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Becke, Edmund. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: The Bible. Date: 1551. Extracts: “A gathreyng of certayne harde wordes in the newe Testament, with their exposicion” (c2r-c3v). Publication: London: John Day. STC: 2088. ESTC: S107008. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: Darlow & Moule (Rev. 1968), 93. Topic: Bible. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1551 C [91]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1264. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Cheke, Sir John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Annotations on an English New Testament. Date: 1551. Extracts: Translating as far as possible without using English words deriving from Latin or Greek, with notes. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Corpus Christi College MS 104. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.39. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Jeremy Smith. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 708. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hart, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: The Opening of the unreasonable writing of our Inglish toung. Date: 1551. Extracts: Definitions. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions: 1569 An Orthographie . Manuscript: British Library Royal MS 17.C.VII. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.: VI.520. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Danielsson 1955-63.
LEME Id: 73. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Recorde, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: Pathway to Knowledge. Date: 1551. Extracts: “The definitions of the principles of GEOMETRY” (sigs. A1r-c1r). Publication: London: Reynold Wolfe. STC: 20812. ESTC: S115664. Other editions: 1574 1602. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Word Entry Count estimated by IL. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1551 R 113]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1431. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Thomas, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Livy. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Ab urbe condita libri. Selections. English. Date: 1551. Extracts: “A table of suche wordes as the reder smally skilled, shall not well perceiue” (sigs. d3r-d4r). Publication: London: Thomas Berthelet. STC: 16612a.7. ESTC: S3088. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: 5. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 26. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Sumptuary law; Women. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 881. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Thomas, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Sacrobosco, John de . Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Sphere. Date: 1551. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Egerton MS 837. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Astronomy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: microfilm. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 71. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward, duke of Somerset. Printed work: New Herbal. Part 1. Date: 1551. Extracts:. Publication: London: Steven Mierdman. STC: 24365. ESTC: S126797. Other editions: 1562 (part 2) 1568. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: QK41 .T895 1994 trinity college with modern transcript; also S126797. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Chapman and Tweddle 1995.
LEME Id: 707. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wilson, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward VI. Printed work: The Rule of Reason. Date: 1551. Extracts: The two logical definitions for word-entries (word-things, and non-word-things). Publication: London: R. Grafton. STC: 25809. ESTC: S102785. Other editions: 1552 1553 1563 1567 1580 1584?. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Logic. Alston no.: VII.1. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 261 (1970). Modern Editions: Sprague 1972.
LEME Id: 85. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Boorde, Andrew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Breviary of Health [second book]. Date: 1552. Extracts: Diseases named alphabetically with advice on remedies. Publication: London: W. Middleton. STC: 3374. ESTC: S106254. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: Dated 1552 in STC. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1177. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Copland, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Book of the Properties of Herbs. Date: 1552. Extracts: “De virtutibus herbarum et primo de littera .A.” (sigs. a1v-k1v).. Publication: London: John Wyght. STC: 13175.15. ESTC: S112790. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 207. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: II.24, XV.730. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 75. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Huloet, Richard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Goodrich, Thomas, Bishop of Ely, Lord Chancellor. Printed work: Abecedarium Anglico Latinum . Date: 1552. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Gul. Riddel. STC: 13940. ESTC: S117241 . Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 25696. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.731. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 208 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 76. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Veron, Jean. Reviser / Editor: Estienne, Robert. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Dictionariolum Puerorum. Date: 1552. Extracts:. Publication: London: R. Wolfium. STC: 10555. ESTC: S116771. Other editions: 1575 1584. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): Fr/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin; French. Alston no.: II.24, XV.730. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 351 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 77. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Langland, William . Translated work: 77. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Piers the Plowman’s Creed. Date: 1553. Extracts: “For to occupie this leaff, which els shuld haue ben vacant, I haue made an interpretation of certayne hard wordes vsed in this booke for the better vnderstandyng of it” (sig. d3v). Publication: London: Reynold Wolfe. STC: 19904. ESTC: S121896. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: 2. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 48. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): ME. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: See 1561 edition . Topic: Middle English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1553 P [48]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1262. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Udall, Nicholas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Mondeville, Henri de . Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Compendiosa totius Anatomie delineatio. Date: 1553. Extracts: Elements of definitions of medical terms and of what they denote; and annotated illustrations of body parts with their explication.. Publication: London: Nicholas Hill. STC: 11715.5. ESTC: S96225. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Translation of 1545 Latin book. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: O’Malley (1959).
LEME Id: 79. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wilson, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, John, Lord Lisle, earl of Warwick. Printed work: The Art of Rhetoric. Date: 1553. Extracts: Explanation of definition (p. 52). Publication: London: Richard Grafton. STC: 25799. ESTC: S111753. Other editions: 1560 1562 1563 1567 1580 1584 1585. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.: VI.10. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 206 (1969). Modern Editions: Bowers 1962; Mair 1909; Medine 1994 (1560).
LEME Id: 74. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Very Profitable Book to Learn the Manner of Reading, Writing, and Speaking English and Spanish. Date: 1554. Extracts: Side-by-side sentences in English and Spanish. Publication: London: John Kingston and Henry Sutton. STC: 23010.7. ESTC: S125627. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.i.132. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 292 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 81. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Book of English and Spanish. Date: 1554. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Robert Wyer. STC: 23010.5. ESTC: S95284. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 507. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Sp. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.i.133. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 291 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 638. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Boorde, Andrew. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Mary I. Printed work: The First Book of the Introduction of Knowledge. Date: 1555. Extracts: [Numbers and phrases in Cornish, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish (b1v-b2v, c1v-2v, c4r-c4v, d2r-d2v).]. Publication: London: William Copland. STC: 3383. ESTC: S108963. Other editions: 1562?. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Polyglot. Alston no.: III.ii.758. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 82. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Eden, Richard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Anghiera, Peter Martyr d’. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Mary I. Printed work: The Decades of the New World . Date: 1555. Extracts: “The interpretacion of certeyne Woordes” (sig. b4r). Publication: London: William Powell. STC: 647. ESTC: S104405. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 27. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: America. Alston no.: XIV.513-20. Schäfer no.: 1555 E [12]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: MA 4 (1966). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 83. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Sherrey, Richard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Paget, Sir William . Printed work: Figures of Grammar and Rhetoric. Date: 1555. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Ricardi Totteli. STC: 22429. ESTC: S117310. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 148. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar; Rhetoric. Alston no.: VI.9. Schäfer no.: 1555 T [156]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Recorde, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Princess Mary. Printed work: The Castle of Knowledge. Date: 1556. Extracts: Definitions irregularly in the text. Publication: London: Reginald Wolfe. STC: 20796. ESTC: S115662. Other editions: 1596. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: text. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 84. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Smyth, Nicholas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Angelus Politianus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: William, earl of Pembroke. Printed work: Herodian. Date: 1556. Extracts: “The Annotacions in forme of a Table after the order of the Alphabete, contaynynge the exposytion of many woordes, Histories, Fables, sytuacions of places, and description of Countreyes, seruynge to the more easye vnderstandynge of the presente Hystorye” (sigs. dd2r-hh2r).. Publication: London: William Copland. STC: 13221. ESTC: S104002. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 102. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Schafer lists 156. Topic: History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1550 S [100]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 78. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Withals, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Chaloner, Sir Thomas . Printed work: A Short Dictionary. Date: 1556. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: John Waley and Abraham Vele. STC: 25875. ESTC: S120198. Other editions: 1553 1562 1566 1568 1574 1579 1581 1584 1586 1594 1599 1602 1608 1616. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 4624. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation: cf. Hullen 172. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.734. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 88. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Interpretation of obsolete words found in ancient records (“Verba obsoleta et alia”). Date: 1557. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Lansdowne MS 171, no. 173, fol. 365. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 77. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Ms. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 833. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Verba Anglica Obscura et Glosata. Date: 1557. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Lansdowne MS 171, no.178. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 168. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: MS. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1471. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Gerner, Konrad. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Lord Robert . Printed work: Historiae Animalium Liber IV. Wui est de Piscium & Aquatilium animantium natura. Date: 1558. Extracts: On Fishes. Publication: Francofvrti: Andrae Cambieri. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: text. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Animals. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 90. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Withers, Fabrian. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Indagine, Johannes ab. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Art of Chiromancy. Date: 1558. Extracts: Separate explanations of “chiromancy,” “the hand,” “the fist,” “hair”, and “house”. Publication: London: John Day. STC: 14075.5. ESTC: S2132. Other editions: 1575. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 5. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Divination. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 96. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Googe, Barnabe. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hales, My Lady . Printed work: The Zodiac of Life. Date: 1560. Extracts: “A Table brefelye declarynge the signification and meanynge of all suche Poetical wordes as are conteined wythin this boke, for the better vnderstanding thereof,” sigs. T7v-V8r. Publication: London: Rafe Newbery. STC: 19148. ESTC: S110233. Other editions: 1561 1565 1576 1588. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 127. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: short glossary. Topic: Classical. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1561 G [129]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 93. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Whittingham, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: Bible. English. Geneva New Testament. Date: 1560. Extracts: “A BRIEF TABLE OF THE INTERPRETATION OF THE PROPRE NAMES which are chiefly founde in the olde Testament” (sigs. Hhh3r-iii2v). Publication: Geneva: Roland Hall. STC: 2093. ESTC: S101758. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 735. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: University of Wisconsin Press facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1453. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Soone, William, attr.. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Commonplace book of geography and rhetoric. Date: 1561. Extracts: Definitions of rhetorical tropes.. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Royal MS 12.A.XXXIV. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: William H. Sherman (ref.). Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 97. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bulleyn, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cary, Lord Henry, baron of Hunsdon. Printed work: Bullein’s Bulwark of Defence. Date: 1562. Extracts: “There are certain wordes, very harde for me to vnderstand as when you doe name Apophlegmatismus, Dropax, Linement. &c. I knowe not what thei doe meane, by their proper names, I praie you tell me the significacions” (sigs. i2v-i3v). Publication: London: John Kingston. STC: 4033. ESTC: S107132. Other editions: 1579. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 40. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 350 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Gale, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Workes of Chirurgerie. Date: 1563. Extracts:. Publication:. STC: 11529. ESTC: S102805. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic:. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1459. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Rainolde, Richard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert. Printed work: The Foundacion of Rhetorike. Date: 1563. Extracts: Exemplary orations. Publication:. STC: 20925a.5. ESTC: S104585. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: SFR (Rainolde 1945); EL 347 (1972)
. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 891. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Moore, Philip . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hopton, Sir Owen . Printed work: The Hope of Health. Date: 1564. Extracts: “The names of suche herbes as maie bee easelie gotten,” sigs. d2v-f4v. Publication:. STC: 18059.5. ESTC: S110028. Other editions: 1565. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.71. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 102. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Golding, Arthur . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Caesar, Caius Julius . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William. Printed work: The Eight Books of Caius Julius Caesar. Date: 1565. Extracts: “AN EXPOSITION OF the old names of the Countries, Cities, Townes, Hilles, and Riuers mencioned in this booke, together with a description of certaine Engines of warre vsed in those dayes by the Romanes” (sigs.mm1r-nn2r). Publication: London: William Seres. STC: 4335. ESTC: S107121. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 184. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1565 G [10]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 103. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hall, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Lanfranco of Milan . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Masters, Wardens, and Company of Surgeons of London. Printed work: Chirurgia parva Lanfranci, Lanfranco of Milan his Brief. Date: 1565. Extracts: “Here beginneth the Interpretiue Table vpon Lanfranke hys worke” (1-143). Publication: London: Thomas Marshe. STC: 15192. ESTC: S109324. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 214. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.73. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1386. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Nowell, Laurence . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Glosses on Howlet’s Abcedarium. Date: 1565. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Univ. of Illinois Library (Urbana-Champaign) Q. 423.71 H878a. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 480. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): OE. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Old English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Rebecca Brackmann. Facsimiles: Brackmann 2005. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 105. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Peend, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Ovid. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Sentleger, Master Nicholas. Printed work: Hermaphroditus and Salmacis. Date: 1565. Extracts: “That the vnlearned myght the better vnderstande these, I haue compendeouslye noted the histories, & names not familier to oure englysh phrase” (sigs. B7r-c7r). Publication:. STC: 18971. ESTC: S119425. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 90. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Mythology. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1565 P [48]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 106. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Chalmer, David. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Dictionary of Scots Law. Date: 1566. Extracts: A compendium rather than a dictionary. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Additional MS 27,472. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 862. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hollyband, Claude. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Sackville, Robert . Printed work: The French Littleton. Date: 1566. Extracts: “The Vocabvlary” (f4v-g3r). Publication: London: Thomas Vautroullier. STC: 6738. ESTC: S119010. Other editions: 1578 1579 1581 1583 1591 1593 1597 1602 1608 1616 1625. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Fr. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.39. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 220 (1970). Modern Editions: Byrne 1953 (1609).
LEME Id: 107. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Jones, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Lord Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: A Dial for all Agues. Date: 1566. Extracts: [selected terms] (c5-i7v). Publication: London: William Seres. STC: 14726. ESTC: S107858. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 20. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: British Library 7561.a.27. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 109. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Harman, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth, countess of Shrewsbury. Printed work: A Caveat for Common Cursitors. Date: 1567. Extracts: “Here I set before thee good Reader, the leud lousey language of these lewtering Luskes, and lasy Lorrels, wher with they bye and sell the common people as they passe through the country. Which language they terme Peddelars Frenche, a unknowen tong” (sigs. g2v-g3v)
onely”. Publication: London: William Gryffith. STC: 12787. ESTC: S112487. Other editions: 1573. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.: IX.220. Schäfer no.: 1567 H [117]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Viles and Furnivall 1869-1907.
LEME Id: 110. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Lily, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: A shorte introduction of grammar. Date: 1567. Extracts: “Omnium Nominum in Regulis Gererum contentorum, tum Heteroclitorum, ac verborum, interpretatio aliqua” (sigs. h6v-i6r). Publication: London: Reyner Wolfe. STC: 15614.2. ESTC: S93475. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 1094. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Gwosdek no. 19.0 does not mention glossary. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.509. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: SFR (1945). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 111. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Maplet, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas, earl of Sussex. Printed work: A Green Forest. Date: 1567. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Henry Denham. STC: 17296. ESTC: S109788. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 349. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Groundworke of conny-catching STC 12788 12789.5. Topic: Nature. Alston no.: XVII.I.74. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 65. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Nowell, Laurence. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Vocabularium Saxonicum. Date: 1567. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian Library Selden Supra 63. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 7759. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): OE. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Old English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Albert Marckwardt. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Marckwardt 1952.
LEME Id: 98. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Legh, Gerard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Inns of Court and Chancery. Printed work: The Accidence of Armory. Date: 1568. Extracts: “The way to vnderstande Tryckyng” (sig. S7v). Publication: London: Rychard Tottel. STC: 15389. ESTC: S108406. Other editions: 1562, 1576, 1691, 1597, 1612. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 12. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Heraldry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 667. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Smith, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: De recta & emendata linguae Anglicae scriptione. Date: 1568. Extracts:. Publication: Lutetiae: Roberti Stephani. STC: 22856.5. ESTC: S4906. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Spelling. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 109 (1968). Modern Editions: Danielsson 1963-83.
LEME Id: 799. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Thevet, Andrew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Sidney, Sir Henry. Printed work: The New Found World, or Antarctic. Date: 1568. Extracts: [Distributed word-entries for “dragon’s blood,” “promontory,” “orselio,” “equinoctial line,” “marsouin,” “sea-hog”]. Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 23950. ESTC: S111418. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 5. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.: XVIII.II.410. Schäfer no.: 1562 L. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 112. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William. Printed work: Natures and Properties of all Wines. Date: 1568. Extracts: (1) “Of the Natures, properties, profits, hurtes, and helps that come of Wyne” (sigs. b1r-d7v); (2) “Of the Triacle Salt” (f2v-f5v); (3) “The Names OF Diseases and griefes that maye be healed by the great Triacle, called Theriaca Andromachi” (sigs. g1v-g2v); (4) “THE NAMES OF THE diseases and griefes that maye be healed by the Triacle Salt” (sig. g2v); (5) “THE NAMES OF THE diseases that may be healed by the noble preseruatiue medicine called Mithridatium” (sig. g4v)
eases and griefes that maye be healed
by the great Triacle, called <term lang=”la”>Theria­
ca Andromachi. Publication: London: William Seres. STC: 24360. ESTC: SA103034. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 104. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: no glossary. Topic: Wine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1417. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Turner, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: The First and Second Parts of the Herbal of Turner, William. Date: 1568. Extracts:. Publication: Collen: Arnold Birckman. STC: 24367. ESTC: S117784. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.68. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1418. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Withals, John. Reviser / Editor: Lewys Evans. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Grindal, Edmund, Bishop of London. Printed work: A Short Dictionary. Date: 1568. Extracts:. Publication: London: Thomas Purfoot. STC: 25878.5. ESTC: S95894. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 116. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hemmingsen, Niels . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Mildmay, Sir Walter, Chancellor of the Court of Exchequer. Printed work: A Postle. Date: 1569. Extracts: “a breefe declaration or exposition of certein of those woordes vsed in this my Translation” (fols. 23r-27r). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 13061. ESTC: S103961. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 92. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.: III.i.433. Schäfer no.: 1569 G [95]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ascham, Roger. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Scolemaster. Date: 1570. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic:. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 20 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 118. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Billingsley, Henry; Dee, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Euclid. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Students of the Sciences. Printed work: The Elements of Geometry. Date: 1570. Extracts: (1) “the Groundplat of my Mathematicall Preface” (folded table); (2) “Definitions” (b1r-c1v). Publication: London: John Day. STC: 10560. ESTC: S106699. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry; Mathematics. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1570 B [49]; 1570 D. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 119. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Golding, Arthur . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Chytraeus, David . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Myldmay, Sir Walter, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Printed work: A Postle or Orderly Disposing. Date: 1570. Extracts: (1) “TOo the intent this thing may bee the more euident, first let the definitions of them bee vnderstood” (12, 14, 20-21, 115-16, 120-21, 176, 185, 214. 242, 261-62, 292-93, 385, 392, 416-17, 439, 447, 465, 446, 471-72, 474, 488); (2) “Glossary” (sigs. hh6v-hh8r). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 5263. ESTC: S107883. Other editions: 1577. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 54. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar. Rhetoric. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1570 G [95]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Wheatley 1867.
LEME Id: 121. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hart, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Those understanding classical languages. Printed work: A Method or Comfortable Beginning for all Unlearned, whereby they may be Taught to Read English. Date: 1570. Extracts: 1. [strange terms mistaken by country-men], sig. a3; letter-entries with illustrative named pictures, sigs. B1v-b2r. Publication: London: Henry Denham. STC: 12889. ESTC: S116666. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 32. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: See edition by Bror A. Danielsson. Topic: English. Alston no.: VI. 520. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Bror Daniellson. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Danielsson 1955-63.
LEME Id: 34. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Joscelin, John; Parker, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum. Date: 1570. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Cotton Titus MSS A.XV-XVI. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): OE. Explanation Language(s): La En . Special Notation:. Topic: Anglo-Saxon. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 120. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Levens, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Master Stanley, Treasurer of the Mint. Printed work: Manipulus Vocabulorum. Date: 1570. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 15532. ESTC: S101107. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 8930. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.751. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 195 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 117. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Tymme, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Marlorat, Augustin. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Brethren. Printed work: A Catholic and Ecclesiastical Exposition. Date: 1570. Extracts: “The meaning of all those figures whiche are before in the exposition added for the better vnderstanding of the Reader, wheresoeuer he fyndeth them” (sig. Ttt6r). Publication: London: Thomas Marsh. STC: 17404. ESTC: S114262. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 11. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1570 T [11]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 124. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Digges, L.; Digges, T.. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Bacon, Sir Nicolas, Keeper of the Great Seal. Printed work: Pantometria. Date: 1571. Extracts: (1) “Elementes of Geometrie, or Diffinitions” (sigs. b1r-b4v), (2) “The second kynde of Geometrie called Planimetra” (l4r), (3) “The thirde kynde of Geometrie named Stereometria… DIFFINITIONS” (p4), (4) “A Mathematical Discourse of Geometrical lides … Diffynitions” (s4v- t3r), (5) “A Metamorphosis or transformation of the fiue regulare bodies” (ff4r-gg4v, hh2r). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 6858. ESTC: S111670. Other editions: 1591. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 83. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1571 D [104]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 125. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Harrison, Lucas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Dictionary French and English. Date: 1571. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 6832. ESTC: S105355. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 10947. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.620. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1446. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bossewell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William. Printed work: Workes of Armorie. Date: 1572. Extracts: (1) “Seuen signes, or tokens whiche are figured in Armes round, and are blazed properly with seueral termes” (pp. 10-11); (2) “Proper termes for diuerse tokens borne in Armes” (p. 11). Publication: London: Richard Totell. STC: 3393. ESTC: S106250. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Unordered. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Heraldry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP . Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 145 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1385. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Mallin, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Martinengo, Nestore . Translated work:. Dedicatee: earl of Leicester. Printed work: The True Report of all the Success of Famagosta. Date: 1572. Extracts: [marginal notes about the meaning of Turkish words], pp. 1-16. Publication: London: John Day. STC: 17520. ESTC: S112366. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Cypress; War. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 128. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hollyband, Claude. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Sackville, Master Robert . Printed work: The French Schoolmaster. Date: 1573. Extracts: “VOCABVLAIRE EN Anglois & François des mots plus communs en la langue Françoise” (sigs. p1r-v6v). Publication: London: William How. STC: 6748. ESTC: S109618. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 2037. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Fr. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.18. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 315 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 129. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Lever, Ralph . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Walter, earl of Essex. Printed work: The Art of Reason. Date: 1573. Extracts: “A note to vnderstand the meaning of newe deuised Termes” (sigs. p5r-p7r). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 15541. ESTC: S109424. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 51. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Logic. Alston no.: VII.9. Schäfer no.: 1573 L [57]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 323 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 130. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Powell, David. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Rules of Geography. Date: 1573. Extracts: “Certayne rules of Geographie, for the vnderstanding of Mappes and Chartes” (a2r-a7r). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 19060. ESTC: S120853. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 4. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geography. Alston no.: Cosmography. Schäfer no.: 1573 P [19]. Transcription Copytext: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1394. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Twyne, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Lloyd, Humphrey . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Deuiere, Edward, Lord Bulbeck, earl of Oxford, Lord Great Chamberlain of England. Printed work: The Breviary of Britain. Date: 1573. Extracts: “Certayne Welsh, or rather true British woordes, conuerted into Latin by the Authour, & now translated into English” (95r-96r). Publication: London: Richard Jones. STC: 16636. ESTC: S108126. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 65. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): We. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Britain. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 127. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Baret, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Baron Burghley. Printed work: An Alveary or Triple Dictionary in English, Latin, and French. Date: 1574. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Henry Denham. STC: 1410. ESTC: S121929. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 5671. Subentry Count: 27135. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La/Fr. Special Notation: glossary stable from here on. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.752. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 131. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bourne, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward, earl of Lincoln. Printed work: A Regiment for the Sea. Date: 1574. Extracts: “The names of certaine things necessarie to be known of them that are Mariners or Seafaring men” (sigs. a1r-b3v). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 3422. ESTC: S104662. Other editions: 1577 1580 1584 1587 1592 1596 1601 1611 1620. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 30. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Navigation. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1574 B [26]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 709. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: MacIlmaine, Rollo. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Ramus, Petrus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Wykes, M. Robert. Printed work: The Logic of the most Excellent Philosopher P. Ramus Martyr. Date: 1574. Extracts:. Publication: London: Thomas Vautroullier. STC: 15246. ESTC: S107927. Other editions: 1581. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Logic. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL (Ramus 1966). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1472. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Salesbury, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Llysieulyfr. Date: 1574. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: National Library of Wales 4581. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Herbal. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Edgar, I.R..
LEME Id: 132. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Plain Pathway to the French Tongue. Date: 1575. Extracts: [French-English vocabulary], sigs. b1r-g8v. Publication: London: Thomas East . STC: 11376. ESTC: S92597. Other editions: 1580?. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.ii.55. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 66 (1968). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 100. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Awdely, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Fraternity of Vagabonds. Date: 1575. Extracts: (1) “The Fraternitye of Vacabondes both rufling and beggerly, Men and women, Boyes and Gyrles, wyth their proper names and qualities” (sigs. A2r-a3v); (2) “The company of Cousoners and Shifters” (a3v-b3r); (3) “The .xxv. Orders of Knaues, otherwise called a quarterne of Knaues, confirmed for euer by Cocke Lorell” (sigs. b3r-c1r). Publication: London: John Awdeley. STC: 994. ESTC: S108226. Other editions: 1565 1603. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 47. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: no glossary. Topic: Canting. Alston no.: IX.217-19. Schäfer no.: 1561 A 48]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Viles and Furnivall 1869-1907.
LEME Id: 136. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Banister, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Stanhope, Master Thomas, sheriff of Nottinghamshire. Printed work: Treatise of Surgery. Date: 1575. Extracts: “A Table of Simples” (m5v-p3r); . Publication: London: Thomas Marsh. STC: 1360. ESTC: S100786. Other editions: 1585. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 560. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 300 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 134. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Fraunce, Abraham. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Sheapeardes Logike. Date: 1575. Extracts: “The 9 Chapter of a Syllogisme and his partes” (22v ff.). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Additional MS 34,361. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 185 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 138. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Gascoigne, George. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Clinton, Sir Henry, Master of Hart Hounds of the Queen. Printed work: Noble Art of Venery. Date: 1575. Extracts: (1) “Of the Termes of Venerie” (234-35); (2) “The proper termes for the companies of all beasts, when they are more than one togither” (235); (3) “The termes of the Ages of all beasts of Venerie and Chace: and first of the Harte” (235-36); (4) “The termes of a Deares head, and such like beastes of Venerie” (236-37); (5) “The termes of the treading or footing of all beastes of chace and Venerie” (237); (6) “The termes proper for the ordure and naturall excrements of chaces” (237-38); (7) “The termes of the time that these chaces seeke eche other to engender” (238); (8) “The voyces and noyses that euery of them maketh at such times” (238); (9) “The seasons of all Chaces” (328); (10) “The Fatte of euery one of these beasts” (238-39); (11) “The flaying, striping, and casing of all maner Chaces” (239); (12) “Termes vsed when you bring any Chace to his resting place, or rayse him from it” (239); (13) “The sundrie noyses of houndes, and the termes proper for the same” (239-40); (14) “The difference betwene houndes and Greyhoundes for termes” (240); (15) “The different names of chaces, when they be yong in the neast, or sucking the Damme” (240-41); (16) “The termes for the tayles of all chases” (241); (17) “Termes to be vsed, when any chace goeth to the water by force” (241); (18) “Other generall termes of the Hart and his properties” (241-42); (19) “Termes generall of the huntesman, in hunting of any chase” (242-43)
. Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 24328. ESTC: S121817. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 187. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hunting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1575 T [187]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 140. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Patten, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Calender of Scripture. Date: 1575. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Richard Jugge. STC: 19476. ESTC: S114209. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 5684. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Het. Explanation Language(s): La/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Place names. Alston no.: VI.524; XIV.85. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 990. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Veron, Jean; Estienne, Robert . Reviser / Editor: Waddington, Ralph . Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Dictionary in Latin and English. Date: 1575. Extracts:. Publication: London: Henry Middleton. STC: 24677. ESTC: S119153. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1368. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Fleming, Abraham . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Caius, John . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Perne, D., deacon of Ely Cathedral. Printed work: Of English Dogs. Date: 1576. Extracts: “A Supplement or Addition, containing a demonstration of Dogges names how they had their Originall” (39-44). Publication: London: Richard Johns. STC: 4347. ESTC: S113247. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 11. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Animals. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 143. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Eden, Richard. Reviser / Editor: Willes, Richard . Original-work Author: Anghiera, Peter Martyr d’. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Brigit, countess of Bedford. Printed work: The History of Travail in the West and East Indies. Date: 1577. Extracts: Names and things from foreign places . Publication: London: Richard Jugge. STC: 649. ESTC: S122069. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Sentences. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Inkhorn terms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1577 W [12]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 142. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Frampton, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Monardes, Nicolás . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dier, Master Edward . Printed work: Joyful News Out of the New Found World. Date: 1577. Extracts: Explaining beneficial gums, oils, nuts, drugs, etc., discovered in the West Indies and the Americas. Publication: London: William Norton. STC: 18006.a. ESTC: S122011. Other editions: 1580 1596 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Sentences. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: possibly 1580. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1577 M [72]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 875. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lambarde, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Dictionarium Angliae Topographicum et Historicum. Date: 1577. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: lost. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Local History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Open Library. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 144. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Peacham, Henry. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elmer, John, Lord Bishop of London. Printed work: Garden of Eloquence. Date: 1577. Extracts: Figures of grammar and rhetoric. Publication: London: H. Jackson. STC: 19497. ESTC: S110321. Other editions: 1593. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.: VI.21. Schäfer no.: 1577 P [173]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 710. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Stanihurst, Richard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Baron Burghley. Printed work: The First Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Date: 1577. Extracts: “the dregs of the olde auncient Chaucer English” (sig. a3r). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 13568. ESTC: S121346. Other editions: 1587. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 14. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: phrase book. Topic: History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 146. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bourne, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Winter, Sir William, Master of the Queen’s Ordinance vby Sea. Printed work: The Treasure for Travelers. Date: 1578. Extracts: “Thinges done by hand Geometricall” (sig. 2r); “Thinges measured that haue distaunce from you” (sigs. 2r-3r). Publication: London: Thomas Dawson. STC: 3432. ESTC: S104686. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 33. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Travel. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 911 (1979). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 700. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Cholmondeley, Randolph. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Notebook. Date: 1578. Extracts: “part of a legal glossary” (sigs. 72v-78). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian Library MS Lat. misc. e. 114. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1400. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cooper, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae. Date: 1578. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Henry Denham. STC: 5688. ESTC: S107261. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 37199. Subentry Count: 149155. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: 37199 est. main word-entries hard to distinguish; unlemmatized. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 147. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Florio, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: First Fruits. Date: 1578. Extracts: “Names of all the members appertaynyng to man, of al parentes, of the dayes of the weeke, with the seasons of the yeare, howe one shal number, with a certaine briefe Vocabularie” (fols. 100r-103r). Publication: London: Thomas Dawson. STC: 11096. ESTC: S105629. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 391. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): It. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Italian. Alston no.: XII.12. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 911 (1979); EE 95 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 150. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Digges, Leonard; Digges, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: Stratioticos. Date: 1579. Extracts: [Definitions] (sigs. b1r-g2v). Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 6848. ESTC: S109689. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 19. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: War. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 71 (1968). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 152. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Kirke, Edward. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Spenser, Edmund. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Harvey, Gabriel . Printed work: Shepherds Calendar. Date: 1579. Extracts: Annotations . Publication: London: Henry Singleton. STC: 23089. ESTC: S111264. Other editions: 1581 1586 1591 1597 1611. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 502. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1579 K [503]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Nimmo (1890); Scolar (Spenser 1968); SFR (Spenser 1961). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 151. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rastell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England. Date: 1579. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Richarde Tottell. STC: 20706.5. ESTC: S115758. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 312. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Augmented. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 210 (1969); LE (2004). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1467. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Baret, John . Reviser / Editor: Fleming, Abraham. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, William. Printed work: Alvearie, or, Quadruple Dictionary. Date: 1580. Extracts:. Publication: London: Henry Denham. STC: 1411. ESTC: S122181. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La Gk Fr. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin Greek French. Alston no.: XV.753. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 652. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bellot, Jacques. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Francis of Vallois, Duke of Anjou, Berry, Maine, and Alencon. Printed work: Le maistre d’escole Anglois. The English Schoolmaster. Date: 1580. Extracts: Separate French and English columns that include sentences, phrases, and individual words.. Publication:. STC: 1855. ESTC: S111926. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.: VI.529. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 51 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 154. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bullokar, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Bullokars Book at Large for the Amendment of Orthography for English Speech. Date: 1580. Extracts: Reforming orthography. Publication: London: Henry Benham. STC: 4086. ESTC: S104838. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Internet Archive. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 24 (1968); SFR (Bullokar n.d.). Modern Editions: Danielsson, Alston, and Turner 1966-80.
LEME Id: 155. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Florio, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Cartier, Jacques. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Bray, Edmund, High Sheriff of Oxford. Printed work: Two Navigations. Date: 1580. Extracts: “The language that is spoken in the Land newly discouered, called new Fraunce” (27); “Here foloweth the language of the Country, and Kingdomes of Hochelaga and Canada, of vs called Newe Fraunce: But firste the names of theyr Numbers” (78); “Here followe the names of the chiefest partes of man, and other wordes necessarie to be knowen” (79-80). Publication: London: H. Bynneman. STC: 4699. ESTC: S104896. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 168. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Hu. Special Notation:. Topic: America. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: H. E. Huntington Library. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 157. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Herrey, Robert F. . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Two Concordances. Date: 1580. Extracts:. Publication: Geneva. STC: 13228b. ESTC: S122921 . Other editions: 1581 1582 1583 1583? 1585? 1586 1588 1589 1592 1594 1597 1598 1599 1600 1602 1603 1606 1607 1608 1611 1613 1615 1620 1622. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.: III.ii.588. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 156. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hester, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Fioravanti, Leonardo . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Vere, Edward de, earl of Oxford. Printed work: Short Discourse. Date: 1580. Extracts: Medical recipes and distillations. Publication: London: Thomas East. STC: 10881. ESTC: S105601. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En La. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 80. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hollyband, Claude. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Harington, Anne . Printed work: The Treasury of the French Tongue. Date: 1580. Extracts: Full dictionary. Publication: London: H. Bynneman. STC: 6761. ESTC: S110891. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 158. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Newton, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Fraternity of Surgeons, London. Printed work: Approved Medicines and Cordial Receipts. Date: 1580. Extracts: Hot, dry, cold, moist, temperate, metallic, animal-based; and ones tried and approved. Publication: London: Thomas Marsh. STC: 18510. ESTC: S104980. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): La / En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.91. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 159. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Pelegromius, Simon . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Walsingham, Francis . Printed work: Synonymorum Sylva. Date: 1580. Extracts: English forms, Latin equivalents (terms and phrases). Publication: London: Thomas Vautrollerius. STC: 19556. ESTC: S114272. Other editions: 1585 1603 1606 1609 1612 1615 1619. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1290. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Batman, Stephen . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Note of Saxon Words. Date: 1581. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Harvard University. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 21. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Sx. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Middle English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 813. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Fleetwood, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A treatise upon the charters, liberties, lawes and customes of all forests, parkes, chases and free warrens. Date: 1581. Extracts: “De exposicione antiquorum vocabulorum”, letters A-F (fols. 137r-139v)
vocabulorum”, letters A-F (. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Forests. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: IL. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 160. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Frampton, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Medina, Pedro de . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dier, Master Edward . Printed work: The Art of Navigation. Date: 1581. Extracts: “fundamental beginnings [of cosmography],” 29v. Publication: London: Thomas Dawson. STC: 17771. ESTC: S106484. Other editions: 1595. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Navigation. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1581 F [17]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 162. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Batman, Stephen . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Bartholomaeus Anglicus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cary, Henry, Baron of Hunsdon. Printed work: Batman upon Bartholome. Date: 1582. Extracts: “A necessarie Catalogue, of the most hardest olde English words” (¶¶6). Publication: London: Thomas East. STC: 1538. ESTC: S106624. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 145. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Middle English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1582 B [147]. Transcription Copytext: Anglistica and Americana facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: AA 161 (1976). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 163. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Martin, Gregory . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: New Testament. Date: 1582. Extracts: “THE EXPLICATION OF CERTAINE WORDES IN THIS TRANSLATION, NOT FAMILIAR to the vulgar reader, which might not conueniently be vttered otherwise” (sig. eeeee2r). Publication: Rheims: John Fogny. STC: 2884. ESTC: S102489. Other editions: 1589 1600 1601 1617 1621 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 56. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Bible. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 164. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Mulcaster, Richard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: The First Part of the Elementary. Date: 1582. Extracts: “THE GENERALL TABLE. CAP. XXV. ” (sigs. y1v-ee3v). Publication: London: Thomas Vautrollier. STC: 18250. ESTC: S112926. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 7886. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.: VI.462. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of: NARP. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 169. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Barrough, Philip . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, William, Lord Burghley. Printed work: The Method of Physic. Date: 1583. Extracts: “Of Weightes”. Publication: London: Thomas Vautrollier. STC: 1508. ESTC: S112722. Other editions: 1590 1596 1601 1610 1617 1624 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine; Weights. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1583 B [10]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 165. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Gilby, Anthony . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: Geneva Bible Names. Date: 1583. Extracts: “A briefe Table of the interpretation of the proper names which are chiefly founde in the olde Testament” (sigs. *.i.r-*.iii.v).. Publication: London: Christopher Barker. STC: 2136. ESTC: S42. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Breeches Bible. Topic: Proper Names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1410. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Herrey, Robert F. . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Geneva Bible Names. Date: 1583. Extracts: “The first Alphabet of directions to common places, contayning all the Hebrewe, Chaldean, Greeke, Latin, or other strange names” (sigs. a3r-e6r).. Publication: London: Christopher Barker. STC: 2136.5. ESTC: S90488. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Proper and Place Names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1158. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Marten, Anthony . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Anghiera, Peter Martyr d’. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: Common Places. Date: 1583. Extracts: [inkpot terms], sig. a3r. Publication: L: Denham and Middleton. STC: 24669. ESTC: S117880. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Neologisms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1573 M [23]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 168. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Morel, Guillaume. Reviser / Editor: Fleming, Abraham . Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: Verborum Latinorum cum Graecis. Date: 1583. Extracts:. Publication: London: Henry Bynneman. STC: 18101. ESTC: S115091. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): Gk/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin; Greek. Alston no.: II.100; XV.1. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 101. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Cooper, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester. Printed work: Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae. Date: 1584. Extracts:. Publication:. STC: 5689. ESTC: S469087. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Also S121950. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 170. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hudson, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James VI. Printed work: History of Judith. Date: 1584. Extracts: “A TABLE OF SIGNIFICATION OF SOME WORDS AS THEY AR VSED BEFORE” (sigs. h2v-h4v). Publication: Edinburgh: Thomas Vautroullier. STC: 21671. ESTC: S110849. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 111. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1584 H [116]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 171. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: James VI. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Essays of a Prentice. Date: 1584. Extracts: “A TABLE OF SOME OBSCVRE WORDIS WITH THEIR SIGnifications, efter the ordour of the Alphabet” (sigs. 04r-06r). Publication: Edinburgh: Thomas Vautroullier. STC: 14373. ESTC: S109108. Other editions: 1585. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 35. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1584 J [36]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 209 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 257. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ridley, Mark . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas Neville, Dean of Canterbury. Printed work: A Dictionary of the Vulgar Russe Tongue. Date: 1584. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian Laud MS misc. 47a, MS Laud 47b. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Ru. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Russian. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Gerald Stone. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Stone 1996.
LEME Id: 1475. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Veron, Jean; Estienne, Robert . Reviser / Editor: Fleming, Abraham. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Dictionary in Latin and English. Date: 1584. Extracts:. Publication: London: Rafe Newberie and Henry Denham. STC: 24678. ESTC: S119627. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 172. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Blagrave, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Baron Burghley. Printed work: The Mathematical Jewel. Date: 1585. Extracts: (1) “Of certaine Deffinitions Geometricall,” 1; (2) “the principles and rudiments of Astronomy and Cosmographie,” 6v-11r. Publication: London: Walter Venge. STC: 3119. ESTC: S373. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Definitions indexed at end. Topic: Mathematics. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1585 B [67]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 294 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1027. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Calepino, Ambrogio . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Dictionarium decem linguarum. Date: 1585. Extracts:. Publication: Lugdani. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): La He Gk It Ge Sp Pt Hu En. Special Notation: Not in ESTC; HathiTrust images (1594 edn.). Topic: Polyglot. Alston no.: II.II.81 and 81a. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Google Books. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 173. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Junius, Hadrianus. Reviser / Editor: Higgins, John. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Dale, Dr Valentino . Printed work: Nomenclator. Date: 1585. Extracts:. Publication: London: Ralph Newberie and Henry Denham. STC: 14860. ESTC: S122055. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): Gk Fr En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: II.72. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 992. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ramus, Petrus. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Latin Grammar of P. Ramus . Date: 1585. Extracts: Informal definitions of grammatical terms. Publication:. STC: 15253. ESTC: S1105. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar. Alston no.: XV.773. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 305 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1461. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ramus, Petrus. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Rudiments of P. Ramus his Latin Grammar. Date: 1585. Extracts: Informal definitions of grammatical terms. Publication: London: Robert Walde-grave. STC: 15252. ESTC: S431. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes . Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 306 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 174. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bullokar, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: William Bullokarz pamphlet for grammar Or rather too be saied hiz abbreuiation of hiz grammar for English,. Date: 1586. Extracts: Sentences defining grammatical elements. Publication: London: Edmund Bollifant. STC: 4087. ESTC: S109589. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 649. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Day, Angel. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Vere, Edward de, earl of Oxford. Printed work: English Secretary. Date: 1586. Extracts: Explanation of the parts of an epistle. Publication:. STC: 6401. ESTC: S126195. Other editions: 1592 1595 1599 1607 1614 1621 1625 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: TCP text but unentered in LEME; no word-entries as such. Also S119008. Topic: Rhetoric; Letter-writing. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1587 M [49]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 29 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 177. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Clement, Francis . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Petty School. Date: 1587. Extracts: “Of Spelling” (definition, pp. 22-27), letter-forms (pp. 58-62), and numbers (p. 63). Publication: London: Thomas Vautrolier. STC: 5400. ESTC: S105102. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.: IV.11. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 2 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 178. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Mascall, Leonard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Montague, Sir Edward . Printed work: The First Book of Cattle. Date: 1587. Extracts: “To know where these diseases do grow on Horse bodies” (pp. 163-64). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 17580. ESTC: S112382. Other editions: 1591 1596 1600 1605 1610 1620 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 48. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Veterinary Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 179. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Thomas, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Baron Burghley. Printed work: Dictionarium Linguae Latinae et Anglicanae. Date: 1587. Extracts: Complete. Publication: Cantebrigiæ: Thomae Thomasii. STC: 24008. ESTC: S103496. Other editions: 1589 1592 1593 1594 1596 1600 1606 1615 1619 1620. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 37569. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: no glossary. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press facs.La/En. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 330 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1468. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Ashley, Anthony. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hatton, Sir Christopher. Printed work: The Mariners Mirrour. Date: 1588. Extracts: A Catalogue of the more Famovs Fixed Starres, with their longitvde, Declination, right Ascension Converted into Howers, and Magnitvde, Rectified to the Beginning of the Yeere. 1588 (sigs. a6v-7r). Publication: London: John Charlewood. STC: 24931. ESTC: S122236. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 93. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En / La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Navigation. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 137. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bright, Timothy . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: Charactery. Date: 1588. Extracts: (1) “THE ARTE OF Characterie” (sigs. a9r-a10v); (2) “Hetherto of the parts of streight lined Characters, and the properties belonging to them” (sigs. a10v-a11r); (3) “the signification of the Character” (sigs. a11v-a12r); (4) “Of the properties belonging to words” (sigs. a12r-b1r); (5) “of peculiar properties” (sig. b1); (6) “Hetherto of properties belonging to Nownes: It followeth of such as belong to verbs, as tence, or time” (sig. b2); (7) “A note of nombers, & propper names” (sig. b3r); (8) “Hetherto concerning the solitary signification, with properties belonging to words” (sig. b3v-b5r); (9) “The dissenting signification” (sigs. b5v-b6r); (10) “Hetherto concerning the accompanied signification, of the expresse word: It followeth of the sense” (sig. b6); (11) “The Characterie Table” (sigs. b7r-h6v); (12) “Appellatiue words” (sigs. h7r-i8v). Publication: London: I. Windet. STC: 3743. ESTC: S111134. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 5623. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Shorthand. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 180. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bulkeley, Edward . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Walsingham, Sir Francis . Printed work: An Answer. Date: 1588. Extracts: “Strange words, and affected phrases, which the Iesuits in their Latin translation of the English Testament haue without need vsed” (pp. 76-80). Publication: Londini: Georg. Bishop. STC: 4024. ESTC: S106854. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 152. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Neologisms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1588 B [152]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 181. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Fraunce, Abraham. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Mary, duchess of Pembroke. Printed work: The Arcadian Rhetoricke. Date: 1588. Extracts: Explanations of rhetorical concepts. Publication: London: Thomas Orwin. STC: 11338. ESTC: S118719. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: University of Michigan. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 176 (1969). Modern Editions: Seaton 1950.
LEME Id: 1151. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Fraunce, Abraham. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Lawiers Logike. Date: 1588. Extracts: “The 17. Chapter. Of a Definition.”. Publication: London: William How. STC: 11344. ESTC: S102621. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law Logic. Alston no.: V.19. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 174 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 714. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Harriot, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Adventurers, Favourers, and Wellwishers for Virginia. Printed work: New Found Land of Virginia. Date: 1588. Extracts: (1) “The first part of Marchantable commodities” (sigs. b1r-b4v); (2) “The second part, of suche commodities as Virginia is knowne to yeelde for victuall” (c1r-c4v); (3) “Of Fruites” (sig. d1); (4) “Of a kinde of fruite or berrie in forme of Acornes” (sigs. d1v-d2r); (5) “Of Beastes” (sigs. d2); (6) “Of Foule” (sigs. d2v-d3r); (7) “Of Fishe” (sig. d3r); (8) Trees (sigs. d4r); (9) Lords and Gods (sigs. e2r-e3r). Publication: London: R. Robinson. STC: 12785. ESTC: S106429. Other editions: 1590. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 10. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Al. Special Notation:. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: HBC (1951). Modern Editions: Royster 2007.
LEME Id: 185. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Blundeville, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Windham, Master Francis . Printed work: Universal Maps and Cards. Date: 1589. Extracts: “CERTAINE TEARMES OF COSMOGRAgraphie, brieflie expounded, for those that are not learned in that science, to the intent they may the better vnderstand this Treatise” (sigs. a3r-a4r). Publication: London: Roger Ward. STC: 3145. ESTC: S104621. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 15. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Cosmography. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1589 B [24]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 228. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cartier, Jacques; Davis, John; Duddeley, Robert; da Silva, Nuno. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Hakluyt, Richard . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Howard, Charles, earl of Nottingham. Printed work: Principal Navigations. Date: 1589. Extracts: (1) Vai Dialect of Guinea (pp. 102-08); (2) Kola-Lapp, Kildin, and Ter Dialects of Guinea (pp. 326-30); (3) Language of (p. 622); (4) Eskimo Vocabulary (p. 781); (5) “the naturall language of Iaua” (p. 813). Publication: London: George Bishop, Ralph Newberie. STC: 12625. ESTC: S106735. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 203. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En . Special Notation:. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.: XIV.522. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 184. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Puttenham, George . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Baron Burghley. Printed work: Art of English Poesy. Date: 1589. Extracts: (1) “Of Language” (pp. 119-23); (2) “Of Auricular figures” (135-40); (3) “Of your figures Auricular working by disorder” (pp. 140-42); (4) “Of auricular figures working by exchange” (pp. 142-44); (5) Auricular figures of meter (pp. 144-48); (6) Sensible figures (pp. 148-55); (7) “Of sensable figures altering and affecting the mynde by alteration of sence or intendements in whole clauses or speaches” (pp. 155-63); (8) “Of Figures sententious, otherwise called Rhetoricall” (pp. 163-206); (9) Figure of Exargasia (pp. 206-08); (10) “Some vices in speaches and writing” (pp. 209-18); (11) “The names of your figures Auricular” (sig. mm1r); (12) “Of the figues which we call Sensable” (sig. mm1r); (13) “Of the figures which we call Sensable, because they alter and affect the minde by alteration of sense” (sig. mm1r); (14) “Of sensable figures appertaining to whole speeches” (sig. mm1r); (15) “Of figures sententious, otherwise called rhetoricall” (sig. mm1); (16) Vices in speeches (sig. mm1v).. Publication: London: George Bishop, Ralph Newberie. STC: 20519. ESTC: S123166. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 251. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 110 (1968); EE 342 (1971)
. Modern Editions: Arber AEP 1895; Willcock and Walker 1936.
LEME Id: 186. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rider, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Walsingham, Francis . Printed work: Bibliotheca Scholastica. Date: 1589. Extracts: English-Latin dictionary (sigs. a1r-pp4v). Publication: Oxford: Joseph Barnes. STC: 21031.5. ESTC: S124838. Other editions: 1598. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 9942. Subentry Count: 32297. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.788. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 217 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1420. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Cobbler of Canterbury. Date: 1590. Extracts: “The eight orders of Cuckolds” (sigs. c4v-c4v). Publication: London: Robert Robertson. STC: 4579. ESTC: S109603. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 8. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Jests. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 539. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bales, Peter. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hatton, Sir Christopher, Lord Chancellor. Printed work: Writing Schoolemaster. Date: 1590. Extracts: (1) “The Table of the Christen or proper names of men and women now commonlie vsed” (sigs. e2r-e2v); (2) “The Table for Orthographie, and for the references of words, to the Tables of Brachygraphie” (sigs. e3r-q1v).. Publication: London: Thomas Orwin. STC: 1312. ESTC: S114388. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 194 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 188. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Commaundre, Robert . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Book of Heraldry. Date: 1590. Extracts: (a) “The Names of Certen Peeces of great Gonnes and Ordenance vsed by Sea and Land in tyme of warre & The Names of All suche Peeces of Armure As well for Horssemen as ffootemen as bee vsed in tyme of warre” (fols. 150v-51r); (b) a canting glossary (fols. 315v-17r).. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Egerton MS 2642. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Heraldry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1462. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hood, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Ramus, Petrus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Harte, Sir John, Lord Mayor. Printed work: Elements of Geometry. Date: 1590. Extracts: Definitions. Publication: London: John Windet. STC: 15250. ESTC: S107926. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 192. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Lucar, Cyprian . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Roe, Master William, Alderman of London. Printed work: Lucarsolace. Date: 1590. Extracts: “Definitions collected out of Euclide and other Authors of diuerse words and termes recited in this Treatise” (sigs. a4r-c1r). Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 16890. ESTC: S108899. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 55. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1590 L [63]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1421. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Swinburn, Henry . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: John, Archbishop of York. Printed work: A Briefe Treatise of Testaments. Date: 1590. Extracts: Elaborate analytic definitions throughout.. Publication: London: John Windet. STC: 23547. ESTC: S118058. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 193. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Vallans, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Tale of Two Swans. Date: 1590. Extracts: “A COMMENTARIE OR EXPOsition of certaine proper names vsed in this Tale” (pp. 7-10). Publication: London: Roger Ward. STC: 24590. ESTC: S111492. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 17. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Proper names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1590 V [25]. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 190. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: del Corro, Antonio . Reviser / Editor: Thorie, John. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: John Whitgift, archbishop of Canterbury. Printed work: The Spanish Grammar. Date: 1590. Extracts: “The Spanish Dictionarie” (sigs. a1r-s3v). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 5790. ESTC: S121989. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 952. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): Sp. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.136. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 36 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 195. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Digges, Leonard. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Keeper of the Great Seal. Printed work: Pantometria. Date: 1591. Extracts: (1) “Diffinitions and Theoremes, concerning the newe Science of great Artillerie” (sigs. aa1r-aa2b); (2) “Diffinitions taken out of my fyrst Booke of Martiall Pyrotechnye and great Artillerie” (sigs. aa3r-aa4r). Publication: London: Abel Jeffes. STC: 6859. ESTC: S92749. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 40. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: adds terms of artillery. Topic: Artillery. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1591 D [50]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 196. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Greene, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: A Notable Discovery of Cosenage. Date: 1591. Extracts: “A Table of the words of art, vsed in the effecting these base villanies. Wherein is discouered the nature of euery terme, beeing proper to none but to the professors therof” (sig. c4). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 12279.4. ESTC: S105833. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 52. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.: IX.222. Schäfer no.: 1591 G [40]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Harrison 1923.
LEME Id: 200. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Greene, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Second Part of Conny-catching. Date: 1591. Extracts: (1) “A Table of the Lawes contayned in this second part” (sig. b1r); (2) “The discouery of the wordes of Art vsed in these Lawes” (sig. B1). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 12281. ESTC: S105835. Other editions: 1619 1620 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 34. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1591 C [28]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 197. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Harington, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Ariosto, Ludovico . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: Orlando Furioso. Date: 1591. Extracts:. Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 746. ESTC: S106637. Other editions: 1599 1617 1623 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: later edition used with identicAL GLOSSARY. Topic:. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1591 H [176]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 259 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 198. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Perceval, Richard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Robert, earl of Essex. Printed work: Bibliotheca Hispanica. Date: 1591. Extracts:. Publication: London: John Jackson. STC: 19619. ESTC: S121971. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Sp. Explanation Language(s): En/La. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.i.170. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1456. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ripley, George. Reviser / Editor: Rabbards, Raph. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Compound of Alchemy. Date: 1591. Extracts: The 12 steps towards making the Philosopher’s Stone. Publication: London: Thomas Orwin. STC: 21057. ESTC: S115988. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Alchemy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 199. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Stepney, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Baron Burghley. Printed work: The Spanish School-master. Date: 1591. Extracts: “EL VOCABVLARIO” (pp. 184-252). Publication: London: R. Field. STC: 23256. ESTC: S117803. Other editions: 1607. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 1808. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 201. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Greene, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Black Book’s Messenger. Date: 1592. Extracts: “A Table of the words of Art lately deuised by Ned Browne and his associates, to Crosbite the old Phrases vsed in the manner of Conny-catching” (sig. a4r). Publication: London: John Danter. STC: 12223. ESTC: S105894. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 11. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1592 G [11]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 202. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Harman, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Groundworke of Conny-catching. Date: 1592. Extracts: “To the Reader” (a2). Publication: London: John Danter for William Barley. STC: 12789. ESTC: S125618. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 203. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Nashe, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Apis Lapis. Printed work: Strange News. Date: 1592. Extracts: Inkhorn terms (sigs. b4v, i4v, k1). Publication: London: John Danter. STC: 18377a. ESTC: S11072. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 2. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Schafer uses 18377, but EEBO/TCP has 18377a . Topic: Inkhorn terms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1592 N [44]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 204. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Tanner, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth I. Printed work: Use of the Sphere. Date: 1592. Extracts: “the difinition what a Sphere is, with his partes” (sigs. A2r-a8r. Publication: London: John Charlewood. STC: 23671. ESTC: S113520. Other editions: 1593. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 19. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Astronomy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1592 T [28]. Transcription Copytext: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facs,. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 627 (1973). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1146. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Eliot, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Robert Dudley. Printed work: Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French. Date: 1593. Extracts: Parallel columns of French and English words , phrases, and sentences.. Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 7574. ESTC: S121992. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: 2. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.79. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 114 (1968). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 206. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Harvey, Gabriel . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Barnabe Barnes, Iohn Thorius, and Antony Chewt. Printed work: Piers’ Supererogation. Date: 1593. Extracts: Inkhorn terms (fols. 99r-101r). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 12903. ESTC: S103899. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 2. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Neologisms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1593 H [33]. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Scolar (Harvey 1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 205. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hollyband, Claudius . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward Zouche. Printed work: A Dictionary French and English. Date: 1593. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: T.O.. STC: 6737. ESTC: S109616. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 21327. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.ii.620; XII.ii.622. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 231 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 208. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Norden, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: William Cecil. Printed work: Speculum Britanniae: Middlesex. Date: 1593. Extracts: (1) “An Alphabet of the Cities, Townes, Hamlets, Villages, and howses of name within MIDDELSEX” (pp. 15-35); and (2) “An Alphabet of the Cities, Townes, Hamlets, Villages, and howses of name within Middlesex” (15-46). Publication: London: Eliot’s Court Press. STC: 18635. ESTC: S113229. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Local History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 209. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Peacham, Henry. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Puckering, Sir John, Keeper of the Great Seal. Printed work: Garden of Eloquence. Date: 1593. Extracts: “The Names of Figures” (sigs. c1r-dd4r). Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 19498. ESTC: S114321. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Rhetoric. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 207. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Udall, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Martinus, Petrus . Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Key of the Holy Tongue. Date: 1593. Extracts: “A Brief Abridgment of the Hebrve Dictionaire” (pp. 3-174). Publication: Leyden: Francis Raphelengivs. STC: 17523. ESTC: S112356. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): He. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hebrew. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 226 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1490. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Elizabethan Poetical Miscellany. Date: 1594. Extracts: Glosses on George Chapman’s “Hymnus in Noctem” and “Hymnus in Cynthiam” from The Shadow of Night. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 38. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 211. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Blundeville, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Exercises. Date: 1594. Extracts: (1) “The exposition of certaine termes or principles of Geometrie,” 127-29r; (2) “The first part of the Spheare,” 134r-36r; (3) “The definitions of the foresaid tearmes,” 47v-48r. Publication: London: John Windet. STC: 3146. ESTC: S121354. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1594 B 52]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 361 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 212. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Greaves, Paul . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Grammatica Anglicana. Date: 1594. Extracts: (1) “DICTIONARIOLVM vocum Anglicarum” (sigs. c7r-e1v); (2) “VOCABVLA Chauceriana” (sigs. e5r-e7r). Publication: Cambridge: John Legatt. STC: 12208. ESTC: S121354. Other editions: 1597 1606 1613 1622. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 594. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Sp. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: I.2. Schäfer no.: 1594 G [121]. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press Facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 169 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 215. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Duncan, Andrew . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: John, Count of Cassilissae. Printed work: Latinorum Grammaticæ Pars Prior, siue Etymologia Latina in usum rudiorum. Date: 1595. Extracts: “Index Vocum Tum Quae in Aetymologia sparsim occurrent, tum quae ad calcem adiectae sunt, Interpres Scot” (sigs. a7v-f7v). Publication: Edinburgi. STC: 7351. ESTC: S105415. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La/En. Explanation Language(s): La/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 214. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hartwell, Abraham . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Minadoi, Giovanni . Translated work:. Dedicatee: John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Printed work: History of the Wars. Date: 1595. Extracts: “A Table, conteyning the declaration of the Names and wordes, vsed in this Historie, as well Auncient, as Barbarous” (sigs. Ggg4r-iii4r). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 17943. ESTC: S120543. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 236. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Pe/En. Explanation Language(s): Pe/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Persian. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1595 H 274]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 876. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Barley, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Pathway to Music. Date: 1596. Extracts: Analytic rules and definitions. Publication: London: J. Danter. STC: 19464. ESTC: S102903. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Music. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 217. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Berners, Juliana. Reviser / Editor: Faulkener, W. G.; Gryndall, William. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, and Fishing. Date: 1596. Extracts: Frequent discussion of terminology but without word-entries. . Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 12412. ESTC: S112449. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hunting and hawking. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 463 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 216. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Coote, Edmund . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: English Schoolmaster. Date: 1596. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Widow Orwin. STC: 5711. ESTC: S113558. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 1343. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hard words. Alston no.: IV.13-46. Schäfer no.: 1596 C [1368]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 98 (1968). Modern Editions: Hart 1967.
LEME Id: 219. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Exposition of Obscure Words in Physic. Date: 1597. Extracts: “Exposicion of obscuer wordes in phisick” (fols. 24r-30v). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Sloane MS 1032. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 92. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1441. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bacon, Roger. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Mirror of Alchimy. Date: 1597. Extracts: (1) “CHAP. I. Of the Definitions of Alchimy” (p. 1); and (2) “Of the naturall principles, and procreation of Minerals” (pp. 2-4). Publication: London: Thomas Creede for Richard Olive. STC: 1182. ESTC: S100517. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Alchemy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1476. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bales, Peter. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hatton, Sir Christopher, Lord Chancellor. Printed work: The Art of Brachygraphy. Date: 1597. Extracts: (1) “The Table of the Christen or proper names of men and women now commonlie vsed” (sigs. e2r-e2v); (2) “The Table for Orthorgraphie, and for the references of words, to the Tables of Brachygraphie” (sigs. e3r-q1v).. Publication: London: George Shawe and Ralph Blower. STC: 1311. ESTC: S108229 . Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Shorthand. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 221. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Gerard, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, William, Lord Burghley. Printed work: Herbal. Date: 1597. Extracts: (1) “A Table of all such English names, as are attributed vnto the Herbes, Shrubs, and Trees, mentioned in this Historie” (sigs. eeeee2r-fffff2v); (2) “A Supplement or Appendix vnto the generall Table, and to the Tables of English names: gathered out of ancient written and printed Copies, and from the mouthes of plaine and simple Countrie people” (sigs. fffff3r-3v). . Publication: London: Edmund Bollifant. STC: 11750. ESTC: S122353. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 579. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.103. Schäfer no.: 1597 G [191]. Transcription Copytext: jah f Fisher Library. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 660 A-B (n.d.). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 847. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: John Skene. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: De Verborum significatione. Date: 1597. Extracts: “The Exposition of the Difficil Wordes and Termes, conteined in the foure buikes of Regiam Maiestgatem. & vtheres” (pp. h2r-s5v). Publication: Edinburgh: Robert Walde-Graue. STC: 21877. ESTC: S116931. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Augmented. Topic: Law. Alston no.: XVIII.II.32. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 148. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Langham, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Garden of Health. Date: 1597. Extracts: “The Garden of Health, conteyning a description of all sortes of Simples, with their seuerall vertues and properties” (pp. 1-353). Publication: London: deputies of Christopher Barker. STC: 15195. ESTC: S108214. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.106. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Salesbury, William . Reviser / Editor: Morris, Roger. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Lysieulyfr. Date: 1597. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: National Library of Wales MS 4581B . Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En We. Special Notation: Copy of a lost original dating about 1568-74. Topic:. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 123. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sturtevant, Simon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Robert, Queen’s Secretary. Printed work: Anglo-Latinus nomenclator Graecorum primitiuorum. Date: 1597. Extracts:. Publication: London: Valentine Sims. STC: 23408.2. ESTC: S124472. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Only a title page exists. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.820. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 764 (1975). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 225. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Barret, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry, earl of Pembroke. Printed work: The Theoric and Practic of Modern Wars. Date: 1598. Extracts: “A Table, shewing the signification of sundry forraine words, vsed in these discourses”
words, vsed in these discourses” (sigs. y3v-y6r). Publication: London: William Ponsonby. STC: 1500. ESTC: S106853. Other editions: 1599. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical . Word-entry Count: 106. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: War. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1598 B 114]. Transcription Copytext: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 155 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 226. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bastard, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Blunt, Charles, Lord Mountjoy. Printed work: Chrestoleros. Date: 1598. Extracts: “Epigr. 15. In Mirum medicum”. Publication: London: Richard Bradock. STC: 1559. ESTC: S104516. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 1. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Inkhorn terms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1598 C [10]. Transcription Copytext: British Library 41.h.8. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 228. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cartier, Jacques; Davis, John; Duddeley, Robert; da Silva, Nuno. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Hakluyt, Richard . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Howard, Charles, earl of Nottingham. Printed work: Principal Navigations. Date: 1598. Extracts: (1) Vai Dialect of Guinea (pp. 102, 108); (2) Kola-Lapp, Kildin, and Ter Dialects of Guinea (p. 329); (3) “The language of the people of Meta incognita” (622); (4) Eskimo vocabulary (p. 781); (5) “Certaine wordes of the naturall language of Iaua” (p. 813). Publication: London: George Bishop, Ralph Newberie. STC: 12626a. ESTC: S106744. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 120. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En . Special Notation:. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.: XIV.522. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Hakluyt ES 39 (1965). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 231. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Florio, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Roger, earl of Rutland, Henry, earl of Southampton, and Lucy, countess of Bedford. Printed work: A World of Words. Date: 1598. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Arnold Hatfield. STC: 11098. ESTC: S102357. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Lemmatizing to be done. Word-entry Count: 43517. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): It. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Italian. Alston no.: XII.i.112. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scolar Press facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: AA 114 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 232. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Marston, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Scourge of Villainy. Date: 1598. Extracts: Inkhorn terms (sig. b4). Publication: London: John Buzbie. STC: 17485. ESTC: S104629. Other editions: 1602. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 1. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Inkhorn terms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1598 V [3]. Transcription Copytext: British Library C.39.a.5. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 229. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Mosan, Jacob. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Wirsung, Christoph . Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Praxis Medicinae Universalis. Date: 1598. Extracts: (1) “The first Table Contayneth the names of all diseases, accidents, and infirmities” (name and page no.); (2) “This second Index contayneth all the Simples that are specified in this Worke” (English headwords); (3) “This third and Latine Index, contayneth all the Latine, Greeke, and other strange names of all Simples” (with English) . Publication: London: Edmund Bollifant . STC: 25862. ESTC: S105368. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical . Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.108. Schäfer no.: 1598 M 574]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 227. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Neck, Cornelius Gerritszoon van der. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Rutton, Mathias, Citizen of London. Printed work: Sea Journal. Date: 1598. Extracts: (1) “A Vocabular of certayne wordes vsed by the inhabitants of the Island of S. Laurence … in their owne language, and in Latine, English, and Dutch” (sig. a4r); (2) “Certaine words vsed and spoken in the great Bay of Tangil” (sig. b2r); (3) “Certain Malacca words, which speech is vsed throughout all East-Indies” (sig. b4r-b8v). Publication: London: John Wolf. STC: 11747. ESTC: S92664. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En/Du. Special Notation:. Topic: Travel. Alston no.: XIV.222a. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1127. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Norden, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Seymore, Edward, earl of Hertford. Printed work: Speculi Britaniae Pars: Hertfordshire. Date: 1598. Extracts: (1) “An alphabetical Table of the townes Parishes and Hamlets for the most part within the Shite” (sigs. b1r-d2r); (2) “An Aphabetical Table of the Houses” (sigs. d2v-d4r). Publication: London: Thomas Dawson. STC: 18637. ESTC: S113233. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Place names. Alston no.: XI, p. 44. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1268. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Rastell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England. Date: 1598. Extracts:. Publication: London: Thomas Wight and Bonham Norton. STC: 20710. ESTC: S106324. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): Fr/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1598 R [466]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 233. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rogers, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Seymore, Edward, earl of Hertford. Printed work: Celestial Elegies. Date: 1598. Extracts: “Annotations vpon the Celestiall Elegies of the Goddesses” (fols. 13r-22r). Publication: London: Richard Bradock. STC: 21225. ESTC: S110691. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 21. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Mythology. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1598 E [49]. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Library. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 268. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Speight, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir Robert, Queen’s Secretary. Printed work: The Works of our Ancient and Learned English Poet, Geoffrey Chaucer. Date: 1598. Extracts: “The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned” (sigs. Aaaa1r-bbbb7v). Publication: London: George Bishop. STC: 5079. ESTC: S111945. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 2126. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Chaucer. Alston no.: III.128 [1598]. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 874. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Thynne, Francis. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Animadversions. Date: 1598. Extracts: Annotating glosses. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bridgewater manuscript. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): ME. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Middle English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Ed. F. J. Furnivall and G. H. Kingsley, EETS, OS, no. 9 (1865). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1445. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Blundeville, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The art of logicke. Date: 1599. Extracts: Definitions. Publication: London: John Windet. STC: 3142. ESTC: S110493. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Logic. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 23 (1967); EE 102 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 218. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Gerard, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Raleigh, Sir Walter. Printed work: Catalogus Arborum, Fruticum ac Plantarium. Date: 1599. Extracts: Catalogue of plants in Gerard’s London garden. Publication: Londini: Arnold Hatfield. STC: 11749. ESTC: S121105. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): La/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.114a. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 598 (1973). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 236. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: M., A. . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Gabelkouer, Oswald . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth . Printed work: Book of Physic. Date: 1599. Extracts: “The expositione of such wordes which are in this Booke deriued of the Latines, which for the common, and vulger poeple is made, because they should the better vnderstande the meaninge of the harde wordes” (sig. kk6r). Publication: Dordrecht: Isaack Caen. STC: 11513. ESTC: S121243. Other editions: 1591 1617 1623. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 113. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.114. Schäfer no.: 1599 M [113]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 237. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Minsheu, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Perceval, Richard. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Scot, Sir John; Bromley, Sir Henry; Grevel, Sir Edward; Fortescue, Master William . Printed work: A Dictionary in Spanish and English. Date: 1599. Extracts: Spanish-English Dictionary. Publication: London: Edm. Bollifant. STC: 19620. ESTC: S115747. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 25553. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Sp. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.i.171. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1438. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wright, Edward . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Stevin, Simon. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Charles, earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral; Richard Poulter. Printed work: The Haven-finding Art. Date: 1599. Extracts: “A declaration of the former Table or view of variations,” pp. 10-19 (four definitions). Publication: London: G. Bishop, R. Newberry, and R. Barker. STC: 23265. ESTC: S117804. Other editions: 1617 1619. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Navigation. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 311. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Carew, Richard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Excellency of the English Tongue. Date: 1600. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library MS Cotton F. XI. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.: III.130. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: IL. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 800. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Fulbecke, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Study of the Law. Date: 1600. Extracts: “A Table of certain words in the Interpretation whereof the Common Law of this Realme and the Ciuill Law doe seeme to agree” (sigs. 72v-81v). Publication: London: Adam Islip?. STC: 11410. ESTC: S102759. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 105. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): La/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.: XVIII.II.36. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 789. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Holland, Joseph. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Chaucer, Geoffrey. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The old and obscure words of Chaucer explaned. Date: 1600. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Cambridge University Library MS Gg. 4.27.1, fols. 484-86. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Chaucer. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 258. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Holland, Philemon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Livius, Titus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth. Printed work: The Roman History. Date: 1600. Extracts: “A SECOND INDEX, CONTAINING THE EXPOSITION OF THOSE TEARMES IN LIVIE WHICH ARE NOT YET FAMILIAR IN ENGLISH” (sigs. Eeeeelr-Ffffff1v). Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 16613. ESTC: S114001. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 175. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: History. Alston no.: III.i.437. Schäfer no.: 1600 H [193]. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 264. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: C., L. W. . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: How to Know the Age of a Horse. Date: 1601. Extracts: “To know where these Diseases do grow about a Horse,” a3v-a4v.. Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 4286. ESTC: S95516. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Farriery. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1601C. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 259. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Holland, Philemon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Pliny the Elder. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir Robert, Queen’s Secretary. Printed work: The History of the World. Date: 1601. Extracts: “A briefe Catalogue of the words of Art, with the explanation thereof” (sigs. a3r-a6v). Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 20029. ESTC: S115918. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 257. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Neologisms; Medicine.. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1600 H [280]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 265. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Neck, Jacob . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Smith, Master Thomas, Sheriff of London, and the Aldermen of London. Printed work: The Journal or Daily Register of the Voyage from Amsterdam the First Day of March, 1598. Date: 1601. Extracts: (1) “Some words of the Malish speech, which language is vsed throughout the East Indies” (sigs. p3v-q3r); (2) “Some Iauanish words” (sig. q3r); (3) “Counting in the Molucas tongue” (sig. Q3r). Publication: London: Simon Stafford and Felix Kingston. STC: 18417. ESTC: S113132. Other editions: 1608. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 307. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.: XIV.223. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 263. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: T., I.. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Blum, Hans. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Land, John, merchant. Printed work: The Book of Five Columns of Architecture. Date: 1601. Extracts: “The Table” ([2r]). Publication: London: Simon Stafford. STC: 3161.5. ESTC: S91118. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Based the original glossary of 1601 on the 1668 identical one. Topic: Architecture. Alston no.: XVIII.II.300. Schäfer no.: 1601 B [40]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 238. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Thorius, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Theatre of the Earth. Date: 1601. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: William Jones. STC: 23932. ESTC: S118368. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 3163. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geography. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Blundeville, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Theoriques of the Seven Planets. Date: 1602. Extracts: “A breefe Extract of Maginus his Theoriques, shewing all the definitions of such names and motions as are needfull to be knowne for the calculating of the places of any of the seuen Planets, or other motions of any Heauen whatsoeuer, that are to be found out by the Prutenicall Tables” (pp. 215-78). Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 3160. ESTC: S117447. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Astronomy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 266. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Campion, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Buckhurst, Lord High Treasurer. Printed work: Observations in the Art of English Poesy. Date: 1602. Extracts: Prosodic terms. Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 4543. ESTC: S118604. Other editions: 1609 1620 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.: VI.446. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 267. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lodge, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Josephus. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Charles, Lord Howard, earl of Nottingham. Printed work: The Famous and Memorable Works of Josephus. Date: 1602. Extracts: “Coines and measures” (¶6r). Publication: London: Peter Short. STC: ¶6r. ESTC: S112613. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): He. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Coinage; Measures. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1602 L [22]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1269. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Speight, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Chaucer, Geoffrey . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir Robert, Queen’s Secretary. Printed work: The Works of our Ancient and Learned English Poet, Geoffrey Chaucer. Date: 1602. Extracts: (1) “The old and obscure words in Chaucer explaned, whereof either by nature, or deriuation” (sigs. ttt1r-vuu4r-6r); (2) “The Authors cited by G. Chaucer in his workes, by name declared” (sigs. vuu5r-5v). Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 5080. ESTC: S107210. Other editions: 1608 1615 1620 1622 1625 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Chaucer. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1602 S [2706]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 270. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sturtevant, Simon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Archbishop of Canterbury. Printed work: Dibre Adam, Or Adams Hebrew Dictionary. Date: 1602. Extracts: “Monosyllaba” and “Dissyllaba” (pp. 23-24). Publication: London: Felix Kingston. STC: 23409. ESTC: S122328. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): He. Special Notation:. Topic: Hebrew. Alston no.: XIV.89a. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 271. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Tapp, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Sir John Paieton. Printed work: The Seaman’s Calendar. Date: 1602. Extracts: “Certaine definitions, meete to be vnderstood of those that will practise Nauigation” (sigs. a4r-b1r). Publication: London: Edward Allde. STC: 23679. ESTC: S102997. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 32. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Cosmography. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1602 T[41]. Transcription Copytext: British Library C.27.i.5. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 273. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Florio, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Montaigne, Michel de. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Lucy, countess of Bedford; Harington, Lady Anne. Printed work: Essays. Date: 1603. Extracts: vncouth termes, sig. a5v. Publication: London: Valentine Simmes. STC: 18041. ESTC: S111839. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: Branding. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count: 1. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: These are John Florio’s terms.. Topic: Uncouth terms . Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1603 F [12]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Florio, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Montaigne, Michel de. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Lucy, countess of Bedford; Harington, Lady Anne. Printed work: Essays. Date: 1603. Extracts:. Publication:. STC: 18042. ESTC: S111840. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic:. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1603 F [12]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 275. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Holland, Philemon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Plutarch. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Morals. Date: 1603. Extracts: “AN EXPLANATION OF SUNDRY TEARMES SOMEWHAT obscure, in this translation of Plutarch, in favour of the unlearned Reader; after the order of the Alphabet” (sigs. Zzzzz1r-Zzzzz8r). Publication: London: Arnold Hatfield. STC: 20063. ESTC: S115981. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 344. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Philosophy. Alston no.: III.443. Schäfer no.: 1603 H 402]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 701. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Acosta, José de . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir Robert, viscount Cranborne. Printed work: East and West Indies. Date: 1604. Extracts: “That no nation of the Indies hath beene found to have had the vse of letters. CHAP 4.” (p. 438). Publication: London: Valentine Simmes. STC: 94. ESTC: S100394. Other editions: 1609 1613 1617. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 1. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 276. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cawdrey, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hastings, Lady; Dudley, Lady; Montague, Lady; Wingfield, Lady; Leigh, Lady . Printed work: A Table Alphabetical. Date: 1604. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: J. Roberts. STC: 4884. ESTC: S118635. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 2444. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hard words. Alston no.: V.1. Schäfer no.: 1604 C [2543]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Ray Siemens. Facsimiles: SFR (1966); EE 226 (1970). Modern Editions: Simpson 2007.
LEME Id: 277. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Norton, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Seymore, Edward, earl of Hertford. Printed work: A Mathematical Appendix. Date: 1604. Extracts: “Briefe Expositions of the Geometricall and Astronomicall tearmes mentioned in this Treatise” (sigs. g3r-g4r). Publication: London: Richard Bradock. STC: 18675. ESTC: S119965. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 25. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Cosmography. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1604 N [41]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 278. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Camden, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cotton, Sir Robert . Printed work: Remains. Date: 1605. Extracts: (1) Words from the Greek (p. 25-26); (2) “Usuall Christian names” (pp. 40-75); (3) “Christian Names of Women” (pp. 76-87); (4) Surnames drawn from localities (pp. 98-103); (5) Names of ancient good families (pp. 131-33); (6) Mean Roman names (p. 135). Publication: London: George Eld. STC: 4521. ESTC: S107408. Other editions: 1606. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 808. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Gk. Special Notation: not in Isabelle’s corpus list. Topic: Proper names; Place names. Alston no.: III.i.129. Schäfer no.: 1605 B [22]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Dunn 1984.
LEME Id: 1147. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Erondelle, Pierre. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth Barkley. Printed work: The French Garden. Date: 1605. Extracts: Dialogues and texts in parallel English and French columns. Publication: London: E. Allde. STC: 10513. ESTC: S101691. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.82. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 194 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1423. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Jones, Zachary. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Loyer, Pierre le . Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: A Treatise of Specters or Strange Sights, Visions and Apparitions. Date: 1605. Extracts: “Cap. I. The Definition of a Specter …” (fols. 1-5v); “Of the diuers Names, and termes” (fols. 5v-20v). Publication: London: Val. S[immes]. STC: 15448. ESTC: S108473. Other editions: 1617. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En . Explanation Language(s): Het Gk. Special Notation:. Topic: Apparitions. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1422. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Mosan, Jacob. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Wirsung, Christof . Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The General Practise of Physic. Date: 1605. Extracts: (1) “This second Index containeth all the Simples that are specified in this Worke, as Rootes, Herbes, Flowers, Fruites, Plants, Iuices, Gummes, Woods, Stones, Barkes, Mettals, Minerals, and Earths: Also all the parts of Beasts, and of the body of man, that are or may be vsed in Physicke” (eee4r-hh3r); (2) :This third and Latine Index, contayneth all the Latine, Greeke, and other strange names of all Simples” (hhh3v-lll8r). Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 25864. ESTC: S118564. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.110. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 280. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Owen, Lewis. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Owen, Sir Roger; Middleton, Sir Thomas; Lloyd, John. Printed work: The Key of the Spanish Tongue. Date: 1605. Extracts: “a short dictionarie, Alphabetically” (pp. 138-206). Publication: London: T. Creed. STC: 18995. ESTC: S101137. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Sp. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.141. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 282. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sanford, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: A Grammer or Introduction to the Italian tongue. Date: 1605. Extracts: (1) “Of words and their Accidents” (pp. 6-9); (2) Italian verbs and English translations (pp. 29-39); (3) short lists of other Italian words and English translations.. Publication: Oxford: Joseph Barnes. STC: 21736. ESTC: S116749. Other editions: 1606 1621 1608 1611 1613 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): It. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Italian. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 324 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 279. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Sylvester, Josuah . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Divine Weeks. Date: 1605. Extracts: “A briefe explanation of most of the most-difficulties through the whole worke, for the ease of such as are least exercised in these kinde of readinges” (sigs. xx2r-xx*3r). Publication: London: Humphrey Lownes. STC: 21649. ESTC: S116457. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 637. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Scholars’ Facsimiles. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: SFR (1965). Modern Editions: Snyder 1979.
LEME Id: 281. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Verstegan, Richard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Restitution of Decayed Intelligence. Date: 1605. Extracts: (1) “Of the Great Antiqvitie of ovr Ancient English Tovng; and of the proprietie, woorthynes and amplytude thereof. With an explanation of sundry our moste ancient English woords” (pp. 188-240); (2) “The Etymologies of the Ancient Saxon Proper Names of men and women” (pp. 241-76); (3) “How by the names of the Families of England, it may be decerned from whence they take their originalles, to wit, whether from the ancient English-Saxons, or from the Danes or Normannes” (pp. 277-312); (4) “Of ovr Ancient English Tytles of Honor Dignities, and offices, and what they signify. Also the signification of our English names of disgrace or contempt” (pp. 313-38) . Publication: Antwerp: Robert Bruney. STC: 21361. ESTC: S116255. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 1061. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Gk. Special Notation:. Topic: Proper names; Etymology; Dutch. Alston no.: III.123. Schäfer no.: 1605 R [917]. Transcription Copytext: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 952 (1979). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 720. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Holland, Philemon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Harington, Lady . Printed work: Suetonius. Date: 1606. Extracts: Annotations on Latin terms and topics in twelve chapters on Roman figures. Publication: London: H. Lownes and G. Snowdon. STC: 23422. ESTC: S103242. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrence in text. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 283. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Le Mayre, Marten. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Dutch School Master. Date: 1606. Extracts: Paired English and Dutch words and phrases . Publication: London: George Elde. STC: 15453.7. ESTC: S125067. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Du. Special Notation:. Topic: Dutch. Alston no.: XIII.64. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 338 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1454. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ralegh, Sir Walter. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Historical Gazeteer of the Middle East. Date: 1606. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Add. MS 57555. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Place names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 222. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Rider, John . Reviser / Editor: Holyoake, Francis . Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry, Prince of Wales. Printed work: Rider’s Dictionary. Date: 1606. Extracts: Former index is made “a dictionarie etymologicall”. Publication:. STC: 21032. ESTC: S3875. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En / La. Explanation Language(s): La / En. Special Notation: English-Latin 8000, topics 2500, Latin-English etym 13900, Lat-Eng barbaric 38300, proper names 9000. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 284. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Spelman, Henry. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Archaismus Graphicus. Date: 1606. Extracts: Abbreviations in Latin manuscripts. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Stowe MS 1059. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Handwriting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1447. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wotton, Anthony. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Anonymous. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Plough-mans Tale. Date: 1606. Extracts: Marginal glosses. Publication: London: George Elde. STC: 5101. ESTC: S117139. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Text order. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): ME. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 285. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cowell, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Archbishop of Canterbury. Printed work: The Interpreter. Date: 1607. Extracts: Complete. Publication: Cambridge: John Legatt. STC: 5900. ESTC: S108959. Other editions: 1618. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 2218. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Da Capo facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 231 (1970); EL 318 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 997. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Draxe, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Harington, Lord John . Printed work: Calliepeia or a Rich Storehouse of Proper, Choice, and Elegant Latin Words and Phrases Collected out of Tully’s Works. Date: 1607. Extracts: Groups of Latin terms and phrases (explanation) equivalent to English ones (form). Publication: London; Eliot’s Court Press. STC: 7176. ESTC: S116607. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.849. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 197. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Harington, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Ariosto, Ludovico . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Elizabeth. Printed work: Orlando Furioso. Date: 1607. Extracts: “AN EXACT AND NECESSARIE TABLE IN ORDER OF ALPHABET, WHEREIN YOV MAY READILIE FINDE THE NAMES of the principall persons treated in this work, with the chiefe matters that concerne them” (pp. 424-31). Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 747. ESTC: S106841. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 178. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Proper Names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 286. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Stafford, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas, Lord Howard, earl of Arundel and Surrey. Printed work: Geographical and Anthological Description. Date: 1607. Extracts: “De Geographia” (sigs. b1r-b2v). Publication: London: T.C.. STC: 23135. ESTC: S117770. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geography. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1607 S [19]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1204. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Tate, Francis. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: English Words Usual in the Marches of Wales. Date: 1607. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Cambridge University Library Ff.I.15, fol. 1r, 3. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: random. Word-entry Count: 32. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Wales. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1469. Version: 1. Lexicographer / Translator: Topsell, Edward. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Gesner, Konrad. Translated work: Historia Animalium. Dedicatee: Neile, Richard. Printed work: The Historie of Fovre-footed Beastes. Date: 1607. Extracts: “An English Table expressing the name of euery Beast” (no sigs.). Publication: London: William Jaggard. STC: 24123. ESTC: S122276. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Animals. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 287. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Dekker, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Mustian, Francis, of Peckam. Printed work: Lanthorn and Candle-Light. Date: 1608. Extracts: “The Canters Dictionary” (sigs. b4v-c2r). Publication: London: George Eld. STC: 6485. ESTC: S116068. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 88. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.: IX.230. Schäfer no.: 1608 D [89]. Transcription Copytext: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum facs.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 585 (1973). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 288. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Dekker, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Bellman of London. Date: 1608. Extracts: “The names of false Dice” (sigs. e3r-3v); and many substantial paragraphs explaining a term.. Publication: London: Nicholas Okes. STC: 6481. ESTC: S1688. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: needs editing etc.. Topic: Canting. Alston no.: IX.225. Schäfer no.: 1608 B [115]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 584 (1973). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 289. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: James, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Wyclif, John. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Flemyng, Sir Thomas, Lord Chief Justice. Printed work: Two Short Treatises. Date: 1608. Extracts: “An exposition of the hardest words” (sig. h4r) . Publication: Oxford: Joseph Barnes. STC: 25589. ESTC: S121923. Other editions: 1616 1620. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 124. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Religion. Alston no.: III.i.34. Schäfer no.: 1608 J [126]. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1424. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Stevin, Simon; Norton, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Disme: the Art of Tenths, or Decimal Arithmetic. Date: 1608. Extracts: (1) “DEFINITIONS appertaining to Arithmeticall whole Numbers” (a3r-a4r); (2) “Of the Definitions of the Dismes” (c1v-c2v).. Publication: London: S. S.. STC: 23264. ESTC: S104599. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Arithmetic. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1270. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sylvester, Josuah; Hudson, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Divine Weeks and Judith. Date: 1608. Extracts: “A Table of Signification of some Words as they are Used Before” (sigs. nnn1v-ooo3v). Publication: London: Humphrey Lownes. STC: 21650. ESTC: S116463. Other editions: 1609 1616 1620 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: adds new lemmas at the end of each letter. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1608 S [851]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1425. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cawdrey, Robert. Reviser / Editor: Cawdrey, Thomas. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hastings, Lady; Dudley, Lady; Montague, Lady; Wingfield, Lady; Leigh, Lady . Printed work: A Table Alphabetical. Date: 1609. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Thomas Snodham. STC: 4884.5. ESTC: S4581. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 3009. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hard words. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1609 C [3009]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1434. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Healey, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Hall, Joseph . Translated work:. Dedicatee: William, earl of Pembroke. Printed work: The Discovery of a New World, or, a description of the South Indies. Date: 1609. Extracts: “Of the Vniuersity that is in Fooliana the fickle” (pp. 143-52). Publication: London. STC: 12686. ESTC: S92843. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Irregular. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: A translation of Joseph Hall’s parodic Mundus alter et idem (1605), which treats a scholarly language termed Supermonical.. Topic: Parody. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 290. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lescarbot, Marc . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry, Prince of Wales. Printed work: Noua Francia. Date: 1609. Extracts: “Of their Language” (book 2, chapter 7), containing a table of “the ancient and new language of Canada” (p. 169). Publication: Londini: Eliot’s Court Press. STC: 15491. ESTC: S109397. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: America. Alston no.: XIV. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 291. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ralegh, Walter . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Alphabetum seu Clavis. Date: 1609. Extracts: Alchemical symbols and translations. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Sloane MS 2046. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Alchemy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 292. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Stockwood, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Treatise of the Figures at the End of the Rules of Construction in the Latin Grammar. Date: 1609. Extracts:. Publication: London: J. Norton. STC: 23284.5. ESTC: S95393. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 293. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bolton, Edmund . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry, earl of Northampton. Printed work: Elements of Armories. Date: 1610. Extracts: “A Short Table of some hard words, and phrases, with a few briefe notes” (sigs. dd1v-ee2r). Publication: London: Edward Allde. STC: 3220. ESTC: S114354. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 54. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Heraldry. Alston no.: XVIII.II.424. Schäfer no.: 1610 B [54]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 363 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 702. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Folkingham, W.. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: William, Lord Compton. Printed work: Feudigraphia. The Synopsis or Epitome of Surveying Methodized. Date: 1610. Extracts: Definitions (pp. 1, 3-4, 14-15, 49, 52, 56, 58-60, 66-67). Publication: London. STC: 11123. ESTC: S102453. Other editions: 1611. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 26. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Surveying. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 294. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Guillim, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: James I. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: A Display of Heraldry. Date: 1610. Extracts: “Definitions, Diuisions, and Etymologies of the Artificiall termes” (b2v). Publication: London: William Hall. STC: 12500. ESTC: S120344. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Heraldry. Alston no.: XVIII.II.426. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Perseus Project. Facsimiles: EE 394 (1979). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1138. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Holland, Philemon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Camden, William. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Britain. Date: 1610. Extracts: “The Names of Severall Nations, Cities, and great Townes, Rivers, Promontories or Capes, &c. of Britaine in old time” (sigs. eeeee2v-gggg1v). Publication: London: George Bishop and John Norton. STC: 4509. ESTC: S107167. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Place names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1473. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Love, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Journal kept on the Trades Increase and Peppercorn ships. Date: 1610. Extracts: “Definitions of mapps” (fols. 17-18). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library East India Office MS IOR/L/MAR/A/X. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: . Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Maps. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Markham, Gervase. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Lord Clyfton, Baron of Layton. Printed work: Markhams maister-peece. Date: 1610. Extracts: “CHAP. 173. The nature and speciall qualities of all the simples that are spoken of in this whole worke, set downe in the manner of Alphabet” (pp. 482-500).. Publication: London: Nicholas Okes. STC: 17376.5. ESTC: S4777. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 296. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rid, Samuel. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Martin Mark-All. Date: 1610. Extracts: The Canter’s Dictionary (sigs. e1v-f4v). Publication: London: Edward Allde. STC: 21028.5. ESTC: S116240. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 130. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): ME. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.: IX.232. Schäfer no.: 1610 R [136]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 298. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cotgrave, Randle . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Cecil, Sir William, Lord Burghley. Printed work: Dictionary of the French and English Tongues. Date: 1611. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 5830. ESTC: S107262 . Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 10781. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: French. Alston no.: XII.623. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: USC (1968); EL 82 (1982); EE 367 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 299. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Florio, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Anna, Queen of England. Printed work: Queen Anna’s New World of Words. Date: 1611. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Melch. Bradwood. STC: 11099. ESTC: S121353. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 70908. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Fr. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Italian. Alston no.: XII.i.113. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of: Perseus Project. Facsimiles: EL 105 (1968). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 300. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hopton, Arthur . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor. Printed work: Speculum Topographicum: Or The Topographical Glass. Date: 1611. Extracts: “Of the Nature and qualities of Triangles” (b1r-b3r). Publication: London: Nicholas Okes. STC: 13783. ESTC: S104220. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geometry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1611 H [57]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TXP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 669 (1974). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Minsheu, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Glosson-etymologicon. Date: 1611. Extracts: Advertisement. Publication: London. STC: 17947.5. ESTC: S94184. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Polyglot. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 896. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Peake, Robert . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Serlio, Sebastiano. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henry, Prince of Wales. Printed work: The First Book of Architecture. Date: 1611. Extracts: Explanation of terms (fols. 1v-2v). Publication: London: Simon Stafford and Thomas Snodham. STC: 22235. ESTC: S117091. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Architecture. Alston no.: XVIII.II.307. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 301. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sanford, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Langton, Lord Doctor. Printed work: Propylaion, or An entrance to the Spanish tongue. Date: 1611. Extracts: Word-lists by part of speech, such as “Of Particles, the vndeclinable parts of Speech” (pp. 43-51). Publication: London: John Haveland. STC: 21738. ESTC: S107493. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Sp. Explanation Language(s): Sp/En. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.: XII.143. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 224 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 297. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Smith, Miles. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: The Holy Bible. Date: 1611. Extracts: [Synonyms in translating] (sig. b2v). Publication: London: Robert Barker. STC: 2216. ESTC: S122347. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Occurrrence in text. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Translators’ introduction Topic: Branded terms. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1611 B [8]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 302. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Speed, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The History of Great Britain. Date: 1611. Extracts: “A CATALOGVE OF THE RELIGIOVS HOVSES WITHIN THE REALME OF ENGLAND AND Wales, with many their Orders, Founders, and Values, most of them being suppressed by King Henry the eight. Together with such other sacred places, as either then wereby him left standing, or since haue been erected” (fols. 787r-800v).. Publication: London: John Sudbury and George Humble. STC: 23045. ESTC: S117937. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Place names. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1611 S. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1407. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Sylvester, Josuah; Hudson, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Divine Weeks and Judith. Date: 1611. Extracts: “A TABLE OF SIGnification of some wordes as they are vsed before” (sigs. rrr1r-rrr3v). Publication: London: Humfrey Lounes. STC: 21651. ESTC: S110823. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 110. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 182. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Rawlinson Glossary. Date: 1612. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian MS Rawlinson 108. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 662. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 689. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Dekker, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: O per se O. Date: 1612. Extracts: Canting “Dictionary” (sigs. c2v-c4r). Publication: London: Thomas Snodham. STC: 6487. ESTC: S109511. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 100. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 690. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Rid, Samuel. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Bubb, William . Printed work: Art of Juggling. Date: 1612. Extracts: “words of Arte, certaine strange words” (sigs. b3v-b4r, c4). Publication: London: T. B. and Samuel Rand. STC: 21027. ESTC: S115935. Other editions: 1616 1622. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 3. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Entertainment. Alston no.: 1962 7. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 850. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Smith, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Map of Virginia. Date: 1612. Extracts: “Because many doe desire to knowe the maner of their language, I haue inserted these few words” (sigs. *3r-*4r). Publication: Oxford: Joseph Barnes. STC: 22791. ESTC: S121887. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 76. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): Al. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: America. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 305. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Strachey, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: History of Travel into Virginia. Date: 1612. Extracts: “Dictionarie of the Indian Language” (sigs. 98v-105v). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Sloane MS 1622. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 972. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Al. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Also Bodleian Ashmole MS 1758; and Princeton Library. Topic: America. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 306. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sturtevant, Simon. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Metallica. Date: 1612. Extracts: Definitions. Publication: Metallica. STC: 23411. ESTC: S117936. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Metallurgy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 721. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Tonkis, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Frederick V, Elector Palatine. Printed work: De Analogia Anglicani sermonis, liber grammaticus. Date: 1612. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Royal MS 12 F XVIII. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: English grammar. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 308. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Wilson, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Lord Wotton, Baron of Marleigh. Printed work: A Christian Dictionary. Date: 1612. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: William Jaggard. STC: 25786. ESTC: S121081. Other editions: Bodleian Library Ashmole MS 1758, no. 3. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 3814. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Religion. Alston no.: III.ii.626. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1426. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cawdrey, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hastings, Lady; Dudley, Lady; Montague, Lady; Wingfield, Lady; Leigh, Lady . Printed work: A Table Alphabetical. Date: 1613. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Thomas Snodham. STC: 4885. ESTC: S114680. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 3039. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1613 C [3086]. Transcription Copytext: LEME. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 309. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wright, Edward . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Description and Use of the Sphere. Date: 1613. Extracts: “The definitions of certaine astronomical wordes of art” (pp. 79-81). Publication: London: John Tap. STC: 26021. ESTC: S120188. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Astronomy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 313. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Berners, Juliana. Reviser / Editor: T. S.. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Tooke, John. Printed work: A Jewel for Gentry. Date: 1614. Extracts: “an exact Dictionary, or true Method, to make any Man vnderstand all the Art, Secrets, and worthy Knowledges belonging to Hawking, Hunting, Fowling and Fishing. Together with all the true Measures for Winding of the HORNE”. Publication: London: Thomas Snodham. STC: 21520. ESTC: S110758. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: Based on The Boke of Saint Albans. Topic: Hawking. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1486 C. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 890 (1977). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 310. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Handson, Ralph . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Pitiscus, Bartholomaeus . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Smith Sir Thomas; Wostenholure, John. Printed work: Trigonometry: or the Doctrine of Triangles. Date: 1614. Extracts: “Chap. II. Geometrical definitions of lines, angles, and figures” (pp. 5-8).. Publication: London: Edward Allde. STC: 19967. ESTC: S123243. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Mathematics. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1614 H [36]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 321. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Latham, Symon . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Munson, Sir Thomas, Master of the King’s Armory, and Master of the King’s Hawks. Printed work: Latham’s Falconry. Date: 1614. Extracts: ” An Explanation of the wordes of art contained in this Booke”, sigs. ¶1r-¶3r. Publication: London: John Beale. STC: 15267. ESTC: S108340. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 47. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hawking. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1615 [ 51]. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 312. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Markham, Gervase . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Sackville, Richard, earl of Dorset. Printed work: Cheap and Good Husbandry. Date: 1614. Extracts: “A SHORT TABLE, expounding all the hard words in this Booke” (sigs. a5r-a8r). Publication: London: Thomas Snodham. STC: 17336. ESTC: S112022. Other editions: 1615. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 65. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1614 M [74]. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 139 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1439. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Ravenscroft, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Measurable Musicke. Date: 1614. Extracts: “The Definitions and Diuisions of Moode, Time, & Prolation in Measurable Musick” (pp. 1-22). Publication: London: Edward Allde for Thomas Adams. STC: 20756. ESTC: S110612. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Music. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 315. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Selden, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Heyward, Edward . Printed work: Titles of Honour. Date: 1614. Extracts:. Publication: London: William Stansby. STC: 22177. ESTC: S117085. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Gk. Explanation Language(s): Gk. Special Notation: undifferentiated. Topic: Titles. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 314. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Spalding, Augustus. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Arthus, Gotthard . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Smith, Sir Thomas . Printed work: Dialogues in the English and Malayan Languages. Date: 1614. Extracts:. Publication: London: Felix Kingston. STC: 810. ESTC: S114306. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Ma. Special Notation: Dialogue. Topic: Malayan. Alston no.: XIV.224. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 259 (1970). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 318. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bedwell, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Mohammedis imposturae. Date: 1615. Extracts: “Catalogue of all such Arabicke termes and words vsed by historians” (sigs. l1r-o1v. Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 17995. ESTC: S112749. Other editions: 1616 1617 1619 1621 1623 . Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 162. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): Ar. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Arabic. Alston no.: XIV.226. Schäfer no.: 1615 B [162]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1437. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Bright, Timothy . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Lord Zouch. Printed work: A Treatise wherein is declared the Sufficiencie of English Medicines. Date: 1615. Extracts: Medicines against the dropsy, epilepsy, venom, and pestilence, and for the kidneys and bladder.. Publication: London: H.L. for Thomas Man. STC: 3752. ESTC: S106575. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 320. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hall, Joseph . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: A Recollection. Date: 1615. Extracts: “The Scale of Meditacion of an Author, ancient but namelesse” (p. 162). Publication: London: Humphrey Lownes. STC: 12706a. ESTC: S120054. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Philosophy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1615 H [12]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1257. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Newbolt, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: [canting words]. Date: 1615. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Hampshire Record Office 44M69/G3/159. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Canting. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 322. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Recorde, Robert; Dee, John. Reviser / Editor: Mellis, J.; Norton, R.. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Fanshaw, Sir Henry, the King’s Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer. Printed work: Ground of artes. Date: 1615. Extracts: “Definitions of Interest,” pp. 578-79. Publication: London: Thomas Snodham. STC: 20806.5. ESTC: S115778. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 7. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation: augmented W. Clerk; size estimated. Topic: Mathematics. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1615 N [7]. Transcription Copytext: Henry E. Huntington Lib.. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 317. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Welde, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Bathe, William . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edmonds, Clement, Clerk of the Privy Council. Printed work: Ianua Linguarum. Date: 1615. Extracts: Brief Latin-English dictionary from Calepine (sigs. n2r-z2v). Publication: London: Richard Field. STC: 14466. ESTC: S107718. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.886. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: British Library. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 921. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wood, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Passe, Crispijn van de . Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Garden of Flowers. Date: 1615. Extracts: Brief paragraphs describing the flowers. Publication: Utrecht: Salomon de Roy. STC: 19459. ESTC: S110319. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.116. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 323. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bullokar, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Montague, Lady Jane, Viscountess . Printed work: The English Expositor. Date: 1616. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Legatt. STC: 4083. ESTC: S107055. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 4155. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hard words. Alston no.: V.5. Schäfer no.: 1616 B. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: AA 71 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 324. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Granger, Thomas . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Leventhorpe, John. Printed work: Syntagma Grammaticum. Date: 1616. Extracts: Quasi -definitions of many grammatical words. Publication: London: Thomas Dawson. STC: 12183. ESTC: S114865. Other editions: 1620. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin Grammar. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1616 G [74]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 270 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1379. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Hinds, Walter . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: British Romani Vocabulary. Date: 1616. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Hampshire Record Office, no. 44M69/G3/159. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Irregular. Word-entry Count: 120. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: British Romani. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: Bakker 2002. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Bakker 2002.
LEME Id: 1427. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Rathborne, Aaron . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Charles, Prince of Wales. Printed work: The Surveyor in Four Books. Date: 1616. Extracts: “The First Part” (pp. 1-19). Publication: London: W. Stansby. STC: 20748. ESTC: S116149. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Surveying. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 820. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cawdrey, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hastings, Lady; Dudley, Lady; Montague, Lady; Wingfield, Lady; Leigh, Lady . Printed work: A Table Alphabetical. Date: 1617. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: J. Roberts. STC: 4886. ESTC: S118231. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 3264. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hard Words. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1617 C [3264]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 272. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Hume, Alexander. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Of the Orthography of the Britan Tongue. Date: 1617. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Royal MS 17.A.XI. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EETS. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 326. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Minsheu, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Ductor in Linguas. Date: 1617. Extracts:. Publication: London: John Brown. STC: 17944. ESTC: S121927. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 12550. Subentry Count: 7360. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En We Du It Sp Pt La Gk He. Special Notation:. Topic: English; Etymology; Polyglot. Alston no.: II.103. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: LEME copy. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 328. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Robinson, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Art of Pronunciation. Date: 1617. Extracts: Explanations of topics. Publication: London: Nicholas Okes. STC: 21122. ESTC: S102581. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.: VI.463. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 150 (1969). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 329. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Woodall, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Smith, Sir Thomas . Printed work: Surgeon’s Mate. Date: 1617. Extracts: (1) “CERTAINE BREIFE Remembrances touching the particular Instruments for the SVRGIONS CHEST, and the vses of the same,” pp. 1-39; (2) Medical procedures (pp. 125, 147, 157, 177-78, 202, 204, 232, 236, 241-42, 244-45, 427, 292, 298; (3) “THE TERMES OF ART RECITED FORMERLY IN VERSE, ARE heere againe repeated alphabetically, and more plainely” (pp. 338-48)
interpreted. Publication: London: Edward Griffin. STC: 25962. ESTC: S120224. Other editions: 1625. Manuscript: British Library. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count: 178. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1617 W [125]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: Kirkup (1978). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 330. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cartwright, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Confutation. Date: 1618. Extracts: “THE EXPLICATION OF WORDS IN THE RHEMISH TRANSLAtion, not familiar to the vulgar Reader, which (if we may beleeue them ) might not conveniently bee uttered otherwise” (sig. a4v). Publication: Leyden: W. Brewster. STC: 4709. ESTC: S107186. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 55. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Religion. Alston no.: III.i.448. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 364 (1971). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 922. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lawson, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Belosses, Sir Henry. Printed work: A New Orchard and Garden. Date: 1618. Extracts: Exposition. Publication: London: Bartholomew Alsop. STC: 15329. ESTC: S106785. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Plants. Alston no.: XVII.I.117. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 331. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Gill, Alexander . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Logonomia Anglica. Date: 1619. Extracts:. Publication: London: John Beale. STC: 11873. ESTC: S106734. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): La. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation: No word-entries . Topic: English. Alston no.: I.4. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 68 (1968). Modern Editions: Danielsson and Gabrielson 1972.
LEME Id: 1428. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: T., J. . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Hunting of the Pox. Date: 1619. Extracts: “THE MEANING OF CERTAINE WORDS OR NAMES, which seemeth to some hard to vnderstand in this Booke” (sigs. c3v-c4r). Publication: London: I. W.. STC: 23624.7. ESTC: S1011. Other editions: 1621. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 24. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized: yes. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Medicine. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 334. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: James, Richard . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: [Russian-English vocabulary]. Date: 1620. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Bodleian Library MS James 43*. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Russian. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1390. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Bullokar, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Montague, Lady Jane, Viscountess . Printed work: The English Expositor. Date: 1621. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: John Legatt. STC: 4084. ESTC: S115630. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 4158. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 335. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Evans, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: The Palace of Profitable Pleasure. Date: 1621. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: W. Stansby. STC: 10585. ESTC: S114616. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 6771. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: facsimile. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 32 (1967). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 336. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Heylyn, Peter . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Charles, Prince of Wales. Printed work: Microcosmus. Date: 1621. Extracts: “The Generall Praecognita of Geographie” (pp. 1-15). Publication: Oxford: John Lichfield and James Short. STC: 13276. ESTC: S122398. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Geography; History. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1621 H [48]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 743 (1975). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 333. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Mainwaring, Henry . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Edward, Lord Zouche. Printed work: Nomenclator Navalis. Date: 1621. Extracts: Complete. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Sloane MS 207. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 584. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Navigation. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1455. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Sylvester, Josuah . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste. Translated work:. Dedicatee: James I. Printed work: Divine Weeks. Date: 1621. Extracts: “A Table of the Signification of some words, as they are vsed before” (pp. 757-59). Publication:. STC: 21653. ESTC: S116430. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Poetry. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1130. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Burton, Peter . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Villers, George, earl of Buckingham. Printed work: The Description of Leicester Shire. Date: 1622. Extracts: Place names, described fully. Publication: London: William Jaggard. STC: 4179. ESTC: S107138. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Local History. Alston no.: XI, p. 44. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 340. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Peacham, Henry. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Howard, Charles, earl of Nottingham. Printed work: The Complete Gentleman. Date: 1622. Extracts: Definitions, as of geometry and cosmography. Publication: London: Francis Constable. STC: 19502. ESTC: S114333. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Courtesy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1622P, 1602T, 1607S. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 661. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: A Dictionary English and Latin. Date: 1623. Extracts:. Publication: London: John Haviland. STC: 6831. ESTC: S122949. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.: XV.902. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 343. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Cockeram, Henry. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Boyle, Sir Richard, earl of Cork. Printed work: English Dictionary. Date: 1623. Extracts: Complete. Publication: London: Eliot’s Court Press. STC: 5461. ESTC: S117318. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 10781. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Hard words. Alston no.: V.31. Schäfer no.: 1623 C [5836] D [616] E [934]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 124 (1968). Modern Editions: Tinker 1930.
LEME Id: 342. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Locke, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: [philosophical definitions]. Date: 1623. Extracts: Definitions (sigs. 125r-26r). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Additional MS 28,273. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation: Memorandum book by the father of the philosopher. Topic: Philosophy. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 344. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Minsheu, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: A Dictionary in Spanish and English. Date: 1623. Extracts:. Publication: London: John Haviland. STC: 19621b. ESTC: S115703. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Spanish. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 345. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Aspley, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Trinity House, Deptford. Printed work: Speculum Nauticum. Date: 1624. Extracts: “A DESCRIPTION OF SOME PECVLIAR THINGES, fit to bee considered, by such as intend to practise the Art of Nauigation, or Astronomy” (pp. 58-60). Publication: London: Thomas Harper. STC: 861. ESTC: S120392. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Systematic. Word-entry Count: 14. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Navigation; Cosmography. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1624 A [12]. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 844 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1002. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Darbishire, William . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: An Enucleary or Alphabet of Verbs, Neuters, Common, and Deponents. Date: 1624. Extracts: Latin-English verbs. Publication: London: Thomas Purfoot. STC: 6268.5. ESTC: S91599. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Latin. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Latin. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: XV.904a. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1247. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: De Lawne, Nathaniel . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Moulin, Pierre du . Translated work:. Dedicatee: Debney, Robert, Mayor of Norwich; Hyrne, Sir Thomas; Gleane, Sir Peter . Printed work: The Elements of Logic. Date: 1624. Extracts: (1) “Of Definition,” pp. 48-51; (2) “Of Etymologie,” pp. 69-70.. Publication: London: James Dawson. STC: 7323. ESTC: S111073. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order: Logic. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Logic. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: V.38. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 347. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Huise, John . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: George, Bishop of London. Printed work: A Perfect Survey of the English Tongue. Date: 1624. Extracts: Word-lists, such as “Verbes Compounds from Latine into English, and from English into Latine, by the Letter” (sig. s2r). Publication: London: Edward Allde. STC: 13260. ESTC: S115189. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: English. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: English. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: III.i.139-40. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EL 336 (1972). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 348. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Huntar, Alexander . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Hay, George, Chief Chancellor of Scotland. Printed work: A Treatise, of Weights, Mets And Measures Of Scotland. Date: 1624. Extracts: “Of the Weights” (pp. 2-10). Publication: Edinburgh: John Wreittoun. STC: 13993. ESTC: S104307. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Weights and Measures. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: 1624 H [71]. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles: EE 671 (1974). Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1429. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Norton, Robert. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Reinolds, John, Master Gunner. Printed work: Of the Art of Great Artillery. Date: 1624. Extracts: Definitions from Thomas Digges, explained. Publication: London: Edward Allde. STC: 18676. ESTC: S119503. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions: yes. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: War. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 846. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Rastell, John; Rastell, William. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: The Expositions of the Terms of the Law of England. Date: 1624. Extracts:. Publication: London: Adam Islip. STC: 20716. ESTC: S119775. Other editions: 1625. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Law. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 304. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Smith, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Richmond, Lady Frances, Duchess of . Printed work: The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles. Date: 1624. Extracts: “Because many doe desire to know the manner of their Language, I haue inserted these few words: (p. 40; also pp. 10, 21-25, 37-39, 208). Publication: London: John Dawson and John Haviland. STC: 22790. ESTC: S111882. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: America. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.: XIV.530. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 998. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Brinsley, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author: Cordier, Mathurin. Translated work:. Dedicatee: William, Lord Cavendish. Printed work: Corderivs Dialogves Translated Grammatically; For the more speedy attaining to the knowledge of the Latine tongue, for writing and speaking Latine. Done chiefly for the good of Schooles, to be vsed according to the direction set downe in the Booke, called Ludus Literarius, or, The Grammar-schoole. Date: 1625. Extracts: English dialogue texts glossed in English in margins. Publication: London: I. Dawson. STC: 5763. ESTC: S119172. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Alphabetical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar. Alston no.: XV.883. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 923. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Gordon, D.. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Pharmaco-pinax. Date: 1625. Extracts: (1) “Simples in Alphabeticall order,” pp. 10-14; (2) Leaues of Countrey Herbs,” pp. 14-15; (3) “Of Common Flowres,” pp. 16-20; (4) “of Vulgare Roots,” pp. 20-21; (5) “Of Medicinall Seeds,” pp. 22-24; etc.. Publication: Aberdeen: Edward Raben. STC: 12070. ESTC: S118966. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): La. Special Notation: Topic: Medicine. Alston no.: XVII.I.130. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1409. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Mason, George. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: Henriette-Marie de France, Princess . Printed work: Grammaire angloise pour facilement et promptement apprendre la langue angloise. Date: 1625. Extracts:. Publication: Paris: Pierre Billaine. STC: 12173.3. ESTC: S3198. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Fr. Special Notation: Erroneously attributed to George Mason. Topic: French. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1430. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Minsheu, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: John, Bishop of Lincoln. Printed work: Ductor in Linguas. Date: 1625. Extracts:. Publication: London: John Haviland. STC: 17945. ESTC: S120933. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count: 6860. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En Du Gr Fr It Sp La Gk He. Special Notation:. Topic: English; Etymology; Polyglot. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 723. Version: 1.0. Lexicographer / Translator: Purchas, Samuel . Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Purchas his Pilgrims. Date: 1625. Extracts: “Words which I learned of the Sauages, in their Language” (p. 1667). Publication: London: William Stanley. STC: 20509. ESTC: S111862. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count: 82. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): Al. Special Notation: not found in Isabelle’s corpus. Topic: Exploration. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1003. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Wise, Thomas. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee: none. Printed work: Animaduersions vpon Lillies Grammar, Or Lilly scanned. Date: 1625. Extracts: Occasional definitions. Publication: London: W. Stansby. STC: 25867. ESTC: S101876. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s):. Special Notation:. Topic: Grammar. Alston no.: XV.905. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id:. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: Welsh Words. Date: 1551-1600. Extracts: (1) Lists of archaic Welsh words (sigs. 112r–13r); (2) Old Welsh vocabulary (sigs. 113r–26v). Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: Cotton MS Vespasian E IX, fols. 112–127. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s):. Explanation Language(s): We. Special Notation:. Topic: Welsh. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1477. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Anonymous. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: A Welsh and English Vocabulary. Date: 1581-1600. Extracts:. Publication:. STC:. ESTC:. Other editions:. Manuscript: British Library Add. MS 15048. Definitions:. Word-entry Order:. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): We. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Welsh. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext:. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions:.
LEME Id: 1478. Version:. Lexicographer / Translator: Lane, John. Reviser / Editor:. Original-work Author:. Translated work:. Dedicatee:. Printed work: The Firste Booke of the Preseruation of King Henry VII. Date:. Extracts: A Briefe rule or prosodie. Publication: London: Richard Bradocke. STC: 13076. ESTC: S116380. Other editions:. Manuscript:. Definitions:. Word-entry Order: Topical. Word-entry Count:. Subentry Count:. Lemmatized:. Form Language(s): En. Explanation Language(s): En. Special Notation:. Topic: Prosody. Alston no.:. Schäfer no.:. Transcription Copytext: EEBO/TCP. Courtesy of:. Facsimiles:. Modern Editions: Considine (2011).